Transregional deep faults in the Tien Shan as a structural control of large mineral deposits
R. D. Dzhenchuraeva
Pages: 1476-1483 Subsection: REGIONAL GEOLOGY
The paper presents new data on several ore fields and mineral deposits of the Tien Shan spatially associated with transregional NW faults, which are easily identified by geophysical methods as they are marked by epicenters of shallow earthquakes and their aftershocks and abnormal heat flux (up to 130 mW/m 2). The faults inherit the strike of older faults and cross structures of the "Tien Shan" orientation. In a low-seismisity block east of the Talas-Fergana fault (east of 74 oE), MT soundings reveal a continuous crustal conductor, and the behavior of P waves indicates the presence of waveguides. The block involves the Barskoon zone of deep faults and a number of rift depressions. A large gold deposit (Kumtor) occurs at the intersection of the Borskoon fault with the Mid Tien Shan back-arc magmatic belt and the "Nikolaev line".