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Russian Geology and Geophysics

2001 year, number 10

Petrochemical features of magmatites and major kinematic parameters of Middle Carboniferous-Early Permian subduction of the Turkestan paleoocean (Tien Shan, northern Fergana)

K. V. Seliverstov and M. D. Ges'
Keywords: Magmatites, petrochemical zonation, subduction, kinematic parameters, Turkestan paleoocean, Tien Shan
Pages: 1471-1475


The paper presents the dip angles of a seismofocal zone, the rate of underthrust, and other kinematic parameters of Middle Carboniferous-Early Permian subduction in northern Fergana, reconstructed from the petrochemical features of coeval magmatites. Comparison of these parameters with those in zones on some modern active continental margins suggests the metallogenic similarity of these regions.