Peculiarities of Diffusion and of Chemical Composition of Ground Waters in Complicated Stratified Sediments (on the Example of the Novosibirsk Region)
Pages: 159-170
A vast material of long-term geologic-hydrogeologic studies, including those of the authors of the present work, is summarized. The complexity of lithological structure manifested in a rhythmic alternation of strata of various genesis and composition determines the formation, diffusion and chemical character of ground waters, and ultimately the functioning and direction of dynamic and evolutionary processes of geosystems. The contrasting character, complexity and mosaicism of diffusion of ground waters and of their chemical composition are demonstrated. A storey-by-storey water impounding of the soil-ground layer has been detected, hydrogeologic-hydrochemical regimes have been distinguished. Comprehensive data on the Novosibirsk Region are presented for the first time. The materials presented must help in optimization of nature management and in the forecast of direction of evolutionary development of the territory.