Two-dimensional problems of beam forming under conditions of creep
I. A. Banshchikova, B. V. Gorev, I. V. Sukhorukov
Lavrent'ev Institute of Hydrodynamics, Siberian Division, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk 630090
Pages: 448-456
Direct and inverse problems of forming
of long-length profiles with double
curvature and a given angle of twisting
under conditions of creep are
considered. A finite-difference scheme
for the numerical solution is proposed.
Examples of solving problems with
different types of external actions for
a profile with a rectangular cross
section are given. Experimental and
numerical data are compared for twisting
of beams with square and circular cross
sections in the regime of creep at
temperatures of 725 and 740°C for St. 45