Combustion of Quartz-Containing Oxide Systems Modified by Organic Compounds under Mechanochemical Treatment
G. I. Ksandopulo, N. N. Mofa, T. A. Ketegenov, O. V. Chervyakova, O. A. Tyumentseva
Institute of Combustion Problems, Almaty 480012, Kazakhstan;
The paper deals with the combustion of a SiO2-Al stoichiometric mixture after mechanochemical treatment in activator mills of two types: mills using predominantly shear loading and those using sheardynamic compression. It is shown that treatment in different loading regimes, leading to different energy states of the material, and the use of modifying organic additives change significantly the ignition and combustion temperature of the mixture. Modification of the surface of the quartz particle by mechanochemical treatment in the presence of butanol or polystyrene and aluminum activates the combustion process, thus ensuring greater completeness of the oxidation-reduction reaction. P. 54-59