2024 year, number 6
I. A. Kerchev1, N. I. Kirichenko2,3, Yu. N. Baranchikov2
1Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Tomsk, Russian Federation
2Krasnoyarsk Science Centre of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Science, V. N. Sukachev Institute of Forest, Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
3Federal State Budgetary Organization All-Russian Plant Quarantine Centre, Krasnoyarsk Branch, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
Keywords: small spruce bark beetle, invasion, protection of Siberian pine forests, pheromone monitoring
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The small spruce bark beetle ( Ips amitinus (Eichhoff)) is the European species which invaded Siberia providing outbreaks in forests predominated by its new host plant, the Siberian pine ( Pinus sibirica Du Tour). The barrier pheromone traps with dispensers containing synthetic aggregation pheromone of small spruce bark beetle produced by the Russian Quarantine Center (VNIIKR) and the Austrian company Witasek were placed in the pest foci in the Siberian pine forest of the Tomsk Region and regularly checked in June-August 2024. During the period of bark beetle flight, the synthetic pheromones of Russian and Austrian producers attracted no one small spruce bark beetle specimen. Instead, the Russian pheromone attracted specialized entomophagous predator Thanasius femoralis (Zetterstedt) and a number of non-target species of bark beetles and sawyer beetles. The catches on the Austrian pheromone were indistinguishable from control traps in terms of the composition of attracted insect species. The necessity of additional research on the development of efficient pheromone mixtures for monitoring small spruce bark beetle in its secondary range is emphasized.
A. A. Onuchin, V. A. Sokolov, O. P. Vtyurina
Krasnoyarsk Science Centre of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Science, V. N. Sukachev Institute of Forest, Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
Keywords: reforestation, forest crops, natural forest growth, forest use
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On average, in Siberia about 600 thousand hectares of forests have been annually cut down in the last two decades and about the same much damage from forest fires. Furthermore, forest stands have been damaged by pests (Siberian silkworm ( Dendrolimus sibiricus Tschetverikov), four-eyed fir bark beetle ( Polygraphus proximus Blandford), etc.) as well as windfalls and industrial emissions. Forest cover significant changes indicate the need identifying the causes of those changes for the purpose of eliminating negative phenomena. The forest fund dynamics disclose a deterioration of the qualitative species composition. The reasons for this are not only global climate warming, but and quite predictable human and natural factors: logging, forest fires, forest insect outbreaks, natural forest regeneration processes, and forest land transfers for infrastructure development. Forestry in Russia is still far from solving the problem of full-fledged forest reproduction. Forest reproduction involves a number of stages that must be consistently implemented to achieve the final goal. Reproduction of forest resources is preceded by the process of reforestation, which involves the restoration of cut, dead or damaged forests and which ensures the formation of a closed young forest, but does not guarantee the necessary structure and target functions of a mature forest. The latter can be achieved through subsequent forestry measures, including thinning, forest protection and conservation. The long period of forest regeneration calls for the need for decision-making, which results will be achieved in many decades later. The action system should be aimed at adapting forests to predicted natural and economic transformations.
S. R. Kuzmin, N. A. Kuzmina
Krasnoyarsk Science Centre of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Science, V. N. Sukachev Institute of Forest, Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
Keywords: Scots pine, provenance, stem straightness, crookedness of trees, seed transfer
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The analysis of crooked trees proportion of Scots pine ( Pinus sylvestris L.) climatypes was conducted in the provenance trial of Boguchansky forestry district with different soil conditions in the southern taiga of Krasnoyarsk Krai. Averagely, the results of the study showed significantly lower proportion of crooked pine trees in conditions of loam soil, than in conditions of sandy soil. The plantations of western and southern pine climatypes are exposed to different stress factors in conditions of sandy soil. As a result, in young age trees had contortion of stem, including replacement of central shoot. The southern climatypes from forest-steppe territories are differ with high proportion of crooked trees on sandy and loam soils. There are differences in regularities of stem shape variability in the different soil conditions. The significant proportion increase of trees with straight stem was revealed with eastern longitude of origin place increasing in conditions of sandy soil. Mainly, the climatypes from eastern regions of Russia (Siberia, Zabaikalie, Far East) have small percentage (0-20 %) of crooked trees in the provenance trial of Boguchany forestry. The more northerner latitude of climatypes origin places is - the more proportion of trees with straight stems on experimental plots with different soil condition is. The posterities of Scots pine from northern, middle and southern taiga, from European and Asian parts of species range, have small percentage of crooked trees.
S. R. Loskutov, L. K. Kazaryan, E. A. Tyutkova
Krasnoyarsk Science Centre of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Science, V. N. Sukachev Institute of Forest, Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
Keywords: Pinus sylvestris L, suburban stands, needles, damage, infrared Fourier spectroscopy
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Global climate change, anthropogenic pollution, the development of epiphytotics and the mass reproduction of insect pests are the cause of the phytopathological state of tree species stands. To the understanding of the pathology mechanisms development of the tree’s structural elements (in particular, needles) will be promote analytical approach to the study of the tested plant organ. The study approach was implemented by us using the example of a comparative study of healthy and damaged Scots pine ( Pinus sylvestris L.) needles from suburban stands using infrared Fourier spectroscopy. The analysis of the IR spectra of healthy and damaged needles is based on a method for comparing the intensity ratios of absorption bands at characteristic frequencies (for bonds, functional groups, and the type of their oscillations). The assignment of absorption bands was carried out according to the literature data. In order to compare damaged samples of needles with the control, the absorption band intensity ratio was calculated for I1375/2900, I1695/1647, I1506/898, I1564/1550, I1695/1533, I1447/1369, I1654/1730, I1728/1477, I2920/1600, I3040/1600, I3040/1508, I1512/894 (subscripts indicate for which wave numbers the absorption intensity ratios were calculated). The analysis of the IR spectra needles array using this method showed what changes (qualitatively and quantitatively) at the level of molecular and structural parameters are characterized by shrinking and diseased needles compared with healthy ones.
S. A. Sheremetova1,2, E. B. Rot’kina2, M. S. Rakina2, S. N. Vityaz’2
1Federal Research Center of Coal and Coal Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Kemerovo, Russian Federation
2Federal State-funded Educational Institution of Higher Education "kuzbass State Agrarian University named after V.N. Poletskov", Kemerovo, Russian Federation
Keywords: woody plants, taxonomic diversity, life forms, floristic areas, adventitious, invasive, rare, alien species, Kemerovo Oblast
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The distribution of woody plants of the Kemerovo region according to the scheme of floristic zoning of Kuzbass is given. The characteristic features of forest communities for each floral area are noted. It was found that woody plants in Kuzbass are represented by 173 species, 69 genera and 29 families. The dendroflora of Kuzbass consists of 94.8 % of flowering plants, the share of gymnosperms accounts for 5.2 %. The largest families of woody plants of the Kemerovo region are: Rosaceae, Salicaceae, Ericaceae, Betulaceae, Grossulariaceae, Lamiaceae and largest genera: willows ( Salix L.) and poplar ( Populus L.). Updated data on floristic areas show that the first place in terms of the number of native and introduced species is occupied by the most densely populated area - the Kuznetsk Basin. In second place in terms of the number of species is the Kuznetsky Alatau floristic district with minimal participation of introduced species. In total, 56 alien woody plants were found in the flora of Kuzbass. Of these, there are 19 advent trees, 3 of which are found in all floral areas. Of the 37 cultivated species, 12 are found in all floristic areas. As part of the flora of woody plants of the Kemerovo region, 10 species are included in the «Red Book of Kuzbass» (2021). For the narrow endemic of Kuzbass, Dracocephalum krylovii Lipsky, it is proposed to change the rarity category of the species from 2 to 1. Six species included in the «Black Book of Flora of Siberia» (2016) were noted, indicating the status of invasiveness of each. It is proposed to establish the status of invasiveness for Ulmus laevis Pall. 4 and include it in the list of Black Book Hippophae rhamnoides L. with status 4. According to generally accepted classifications of life forms, it was found that summer-green shrubs and phanerophytes predominate in the composition of the dendroflora of Kuzbass.
S. O. Medvedeva1, O. E. Cherepanova1, E. G. Filippov1, A. Yu. Teptina2
1Botanical Garden, Russian Academy of Sciences, Ural Branch, Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation 2Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Keywords: hybridization, dwarf birch, genome size, DNA content, fragment analyses
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Dwarf birch ( Betula nana L.) is a circumpolar low shrub common in the northern hemisphere. Previously, it was suggested that dwarf birch hybridize with a sympathetic species - the downy birch ( Betula pubescens Ehrh.), with the formation of triploid hybrids in the northern regions of Western Eurasia. Data on the presence and intensity of these species hybridization on the territory of the Russian Federation are scarce and require additional study and verification. The purpose of this study was to study the ploidy level of some birch representatives growing in the mountain tundra of the Altai Mountain range to identify hybrid forms. The work used the flow cytometry method in combination with the analysis of nuclear microsatellite loci. The average DNA content of the studied dwarf birch and silver birch ( B. pendula Roth) samples was 2Ñ = 0.966 pg and 2Ñ = 0.974 pg correspondingly, while DNA content of the putative hybrid sample was 1.46 times higher 2C = 1.413 pg, indicating its probable triploid genome. Analysis of nuclear microsatellite loci confirmed the data obtained by flow cytometry. It was shown that nuclear loci L3.1, L7.3, L1.10, L5.4 are most suitable for identifying triploid hybrid birch samples. The work performed confirms the existence of rare triploid hybrids dwarf birch and downy birch in populations of dwarf birch trees growing in the mountain tundra forest in Altai. The analysis shows that the flow cytometry method in combination with microsatellite analysis is an effective tool for searching and verifying triploid birch hybrids.
V. A. Usoltsev1,2
1Botanical Garden, Russian Academy of Sciences, Ural Branch, Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation 2Ural State Forestry Engineering University, Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Keywords: functional characteristics of trees, taxation indicators of trees, tree cross-sectional area growth, explanatory ability, allometric models
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The development of ecology implies the possibility of predicting the ecological functions of plants based on their functional characteristics, in particular, the specific leaf area, as the ratio of leaf surface area to their dry weight (SLA), and leaf mass per area (LMA), as the inverse of SLA. However, it was found that at the global level, SLA explains only 3.1 % of the variability in tree height growth. The introduction and use of the integral production feature Mp, as the product of LMA and the area of the horizontal projection of the crown, showed that the explanation of the variability of tree stem growth on the community of 125 species increased to 31 %, but, at the same time, did not show the advantages of Mp in the explanatory ability of the variability of growth compared with the stem diameter. The purpose of this study is to find out in what ratio, when modeling the tree stem growth, the explanatory power of a production indicator and a set of taxation features, such as stem diameter, tree height and tree age, may consist. For this purpose, according to the data of 300 sample trees taken on 30 sample plots in pure Scots pine forests of the Turgai Depression, a sequence of allometric models in a different combination of dependent and independent variables was calculated. Due to the too high complexity of determining the SLA with sufficient accuracy for 300 trees, the quotient of dividing the needle mass by the area of the horizontal projection of the crown (Pf /Sc) was used as a production indicator. This production indicator has a biological meaning, slightly different from Mp, but in terms of information it is not inferior to the latter. It was found that when calculating the multifactorial dependence of the stem cross-sectional area growth over the past 10 years on (Pf /Sc) and forest inventory indicators of trees, the contribution of (Pf /Sc) to the explanation of the growth variability was only 6 % and it was excluded from the analysis. As a result, a two-factor allometric model of the stem cross-sectional area growth over 10 years on the age and stem diameter at breast height is proposed, explaining 91 % of the variability of the growth. The proposed model makes it possible to determine the cross-sectional area basal growth of a stand in the single-aged pine forests based on the results of the accounting trees by stem diameters.
I. V. Predeina1, K. A. Bashegurov1, L. A. Belov1, S. V. Zalesov1, N. M. Iteshina2
1Ural State Forestry Engineering University, Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation 2Udmurt State Agrarian University, Izhevsk, Russian Federation
Keywords: derivative birch forest, indigenous spruce stands, undergrowth, forest restoration, the Republic of Udmurtia
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Based on materials of trial plots, it has been analyzed the consequences of strip-gradual felling (SFG) of derivative forests on the territory of birch derivatives of the southern taiga forest region (the European part of the Russian Federation within the borders of the Republic of Udmurtia). It has been established that in the presence of coniferous undergrowth of addition to pregeneration and its preservation during logging operations it is ensured the formation of young spruce stands in place of derivative birch plantations without artificial forest restoration. In addition to preserving the pre-generation coniferous undergrowth, it is important to minimize the area of skidding roads, since even 25 years after cutting there is no undergrowth of coniferous species on them. In order to preserve undergrowth and coniferous trees it is advisable to place logging residues on skidding tracks, they increasing the bearing capacity of the soil. The destruction of teenage coniferous trees in the process of carrying out adjacent work contributes overgrowth of cut down strips with soft deciduous trees and living soil cover. Coniferous undergrowth of accompanying generation in stripes left for the second appointment is not accumulated due to the high density of the tree canopy of a two years planting but in the cut down strips of the first cut down strips appointment due to high competition from 2Sc undergrowth and softwood trees. In the absence of coniferous undergrown preliminary generation is advisable to carry out 5-7 before the first SFG for the purpose of accumulating coniferous undergrowth.
N. A. Timchenko1, K. G. Tkachenko2, N. A. Yust1, O. N. Shcherbakova1
1Far Eastern State Agrarian University, Blagoveshchensk, Russian Federation 2Komarov Botanical Institute, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Keywords: Larix gmelinii (Rupr.) Kuzen.), assessment scales for natural regeneration, undergrowth, shrub layer, sample plot, permafrost
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The article provides an analysis of the Gmelins’ larch ( Larix gmelinii (Rupr.) Kuzen.) (Pinaceae) natural regeneration, which were studied on lands located in the permafrost zone. The study was carried out in order to identify the course of regeneration processes in areas subjected to pyrogenic effects from forest fires. The restoration of larch forests depends on many factors, the success of which is ensured by the favorable conditions that arise after their impact. This is due to biological, climatic, soil conditions, characteristics of seed production, their maturation, harvest periods, and other factors, including silvicultural conditions. According to the tasks of analysis and evaluation of the natural regeneration of tree species, and the further formation of forest stands, they were carried out according to the method of sample plots established in forest stands, passed by fires of different prescriptions in the Mazanovsky forestry district of Amur Oblast. Six sample plots of a rectangular shape were laid on the lands of the forest fund, subjected to pyrogenic effects in different years. For a detailed study on accounting sites, the young generation of trees was taken into account in terms of quantitative indicators, projective cover, size and qualitative characteristics. Regeneration was assessed on a regional scale for the Far East. According to the results of data processing, tendencies are noted to change from coniferous to deciduous species on sample plots 1 and 2 in the case of preservation of grass-moss cover and forest litter, as well as with intensive vegetative renewal of deciduous species. Preservation of the dominant for Gmelins’ larch is observed under favorable soil conditions and fruitful years before the formation of forest litter and living ground cover on sample plots 3 and 5. For the first time for mixed forest stands in the northern region of Amur Oblast (on the example of the Mazanovsky forestry district), it was revealed that as a result of repeated fire impact on forest ecosystems, there are prerequisites for the formation of pure larch forests with a low participation of associated species, depending on the period of fruiting of the main economic species - Gmelins’ larch and pyrogenic impact on the forest floor.
D. M. Koryakina, N. A. Druzhinin, F. N. Druzhinin
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Vologda State Dairy Farming Academy by N.V.Vereshchagin, Vologda, Russian Federation
Keywords: specially protected natural areas, natural monument, introducers, stages of growth and development, dendrochronology, dendroclimatology, tree-ring chronology, radial increment
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There are very few works in the scientific literature based on the results of long-term introduction. In this regard, the data obtained on stands in protected areas (objects of landscape art), which include introduced rocks in their compositions, are important both from a theoretical and practical point of view. Plantings at the objects of landscape art, in this regard, are actually a scientific, industrial and educational base. The objects of the study were old-age trees growing on 18 sites of specially protected natural territories of Vologda Oblast. It was found that 74 % of the compared tree-ring chronologies, taking into account forest growing areas, have a lack of communication, 16 % have a low connection, 10 % have an average one. Based on the denrochronological and dendroclimatic analysis, the relative contribution of various factors, taking into account the biological characteristics of tree species, to the formation of annual rings has been established. There is a positive reaction (response by radial increment) to the sum of positive temperatures in pedunculate oak ( Quercus robur L.) and small-leaved linden ( Tilia cordata Mill.) at values above 2000 °C. In turn, a negative response was recorded in Siberian larch and Siberian pine at a total effective temperature of less than 1900 °C. For Siberian pine, it was found that with a precipitation level of more than 300 mm and with the sum of effective temperatures for the growing season less than 2000 °C, an increase in radial growth is noted. The performed study allowed us to conclude that not for all introduced tree species, the thermal regime in the European North is a limiting factor, which is important for the introduction of introduced tree species into the crops in the region under consideration. The lack of timely care for stands in protected areas, an unsuccessful combination of tree species and agrotechnics of the formation of these objects affected the slowdown in growth rates, especially at the initial stages of growth and development of innoregional species, the obtained tree-ring chronologies were obtained for the region for the first time, they are characterized by high synchronicity with each other when compared. These data allow us to assert the existence of connections and general patterns in the growth and development of plants, regardless of their territorial location, and all differences are related only to the individual characteristics of the growth and development of each tree species.
S. N. Dolmatov, P. G. Kolesnikov, A. I. Perezhilin
Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
Keywords: forest resources, low-quality and damaged wood, pellets, market, competition, logistics and sales, wood composite materials, housing construction, ecology
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Krasnoyarsk Krai and Irkutsk Oblast are the leading regions of the Russian Federation in terms of timber harvesting. However, the gross regional product of the forest industry in the region does not exceed 2.5 %. Forest areas of the Siberian Federal District regularly burn and are affected by forest pests. In this case, significant volumes of damaged and low-quality wood are formed. Wood processing adds waste in the form of sawdust, slabs, slats. The policy of uncontrolled growth in harvesting volumes in coniferous forest stands in order to obtain exclusively high-quality round timber has led to the depletion of timber resources, an increase in timber transportation distances, and increased complexity of logistics. A way out of the current negative situation can be a justified focus on deep processing of wood raw materials with the subsequent production of highly marketable products. Global trends in the field of integrated use of wood raw materials make it possible to identify the production of fuel briquettes and pellets as the main vector for processing these resources. A feature of the market for the production and consumption of pellets in the Russian Federation is its exclusively export orientation, the volume of domestic consumption does not exceed 15-20 %. In the current economic and political situation, the Russian Federation has practically lost its usual markets for pellets in Europe. Manufacturers’ focus on South Korea and Japan faces logistics challenges and aggressive competition from Vietnam, Canada and the United States. Under these conditions, a way out of the situation associated with the insufficient involvement of low-quality wood and waste in industrial processing may be the direction of processing in the hope of supplying the building materials market with boards and wood-mineral composites. These products are highly processed products and have predictable internal demand and sales market.
I. M. Enaleeva-Bandura1, A. N. Baranov1, S. A. Brovkin1, I. V. Grigoriev2, R. N. Kovalev3,4
1Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation 2Arctic State Agrotechnological University, Yakutsk, Russian Federation 3Ural State Forest Engineering University, Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation 4Ural State Agrarian University, Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Keywords: transport and technological process, wood, mathematical model, multi-criteria assessment of process efficiency
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The article analyzes and updates the features of the functioning of the transport and technological system for the supply of commercial wood and supply chain management, and identifies the main parameters for optimizing the supply chain management system for commercial wood to ensure the efficiency of the process. A multi-criteria approach to assessing the efficiency of the transport and technological process of supplying commercial timber is proposed due to the inconsistency of the main indicators that determine its effectiveness. A mathematical model has been developed for a complex multi-criteria assessment of the efficiency of the transport and technological process of supplying commercial wood, based on: methods of linear and dynamic programming, stochastic and economic-mathematical modeling, elements of statistical and economic analysis. The combination of the mentioned modeling methods allows the model to be quite simple and reliable in practical application, as well as adaptive to the changing external conditions of the production environment. The methodological development is presented with a detailed description of all the dependencies included in it, and the advantages of its application are noted.