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"Philosophy of Education"

2024 year, number 2

Noosphere University: philosophical and general scientific foundations

G. S. Smirnov, D. G. Smirnov, M. A. Melikyan
Ivanovo State University, Ivanovo, Russia
Keywords: post-non-classical university, philosophy of consciousness, noospheric university, spiritual production, universe of spheres, noospheric picture of the world

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Introduction. In the conditions of the new world order, the urgent task of the state is to ensure not only technospheric (technological sovereignty), but also noospheric (ideological sovereignty) security. The noospheric university appears as a Russian conceptual “answer” to instrumental Western European educational analogues. The authors focus on the philosophical and general scientific foundations of the noospheric university as the main actor in spiritual production. Methodology. Methodologically, the analysis was carried out within the framework of systemic, synergetic and spheric approaches, allowing us to consider the paradigm of the noospheric university at three levels - things, properties and relations, to show the environmental nature of its “plan of content” through the prism of the synergetic structure of the surrounding reality. Discussion. Philosophical analysis allows to define the noospheric university as one of the currently important models of a post-non-classical university. The “noospheric” trend within Russian university education is outlined, demonstrating the relevance of the analyzed paradigm. The heuristics - the value and necessity - of the noospheric paradigm in the context of higher education and the fundamental cognitive contradiction between the “old” and “new” universities are revealed. The mission (formation of the super-complex consciousness), the dual goal and specific tasks of the noospheric university in the context of the transition of “biosphere and technosphere to noosphere” are defined. The system of its philosophy is substantiated within the framework of the universum concept and ideas about the all-human. The dual nature of the noouniversity is recorded through the dialectics of material/spiritual, material/ideal, real/virtual. The cognitive “equivalence” of subject and object in noospheric educational discourse is noted, and the essential system-forming relations are listed. The “signification” procedure is considered as central to the noospheric paradigm. The post-non-classical university is presented as a point of assembly of spheres, forming a noospheric worldview and a noospheric picture of the world. Conclusion. A comprehensive analysis of the concept of a noospheric university allows to state that its competitive advantages are a holistic vision of the world, the co-evolution of natural reason and artificial intelligence, an orientation towards noospheric understanding of a super-complex reality, and the acceptance of pan(all)-humanity as an ethological regulator.

The philosophy of "changeable fatality" as an effective complement to the theory of generations in the development of a new educational ideal

D. P. Kozolupenko
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
Keywords: education, millennials, historical relativism, the achronicity of truth, “basic intuition”, worldview

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Introduction. Sociological research shows that, compared with their teachers, modern students have a different set of basic values and different patterns of behavior. The gap in worldview and behavioral attitudes creates a number of problems in the educational process. In this regard, the concept of “generation” is becoming one of the central concepts in the modern philosophy of education. The necessity of a critical analysis of the theory of generations and its adoption by modern education is actualized. Methodology. The methodological basis of the research is: the theory of generations by N. Howe and V. Strauss, the theory of intergenerational dynamics by V. Radaev, the method of comparative analysis of the concepts of “changeable fatality” in the works of A. Bergson and J .Ortega y Gasset. Discussion. The author has identified four main features of the theory of generations, ways of their application in the organization of education, the definition of its goals and objectives. The article shows that in the philosophy of education, the theory of generations and the philosophy of “changeable fatality” seems to be a methodologically effective complement. Conclusion. A comparative study of the theory of generations and the philosophy of “changeable fatality” shows the irreducibility of the intergenerational gap, and at the same time it demonstrates the blurring of the boundaries of “generation” as a unity of peers with the same set of values and behavioral stereotypes. Consequently, the prognostic application of the theory of generations and the philosophy of changeable fatality seems to be feasible in the field of education. Based on them preventive and correctional educational strategies will be subject to the law of “constant delay”. The methodological significance of the concept of “changeable fatality” for the philosophy of education and its limiting conditions are associated with the concept of “the main a priori of history” in the interpretation of J. Ortega y Gasset and the concept of “basic intuition” by A. Bergson. Overcoming the shortcomings inherent in both theories and developing more effective strategies in the field of modern education require interdisciplinary research in the field of age psychology, personality psychology and philosophy of education, as well as differentiated sociological research.

Forecasting the development of the monitoring system for assessing the quality of education in the context of digital transformation

M. N. Revnikova1, A. V. Morozov2
1Federal Institute of Digital Transformation in Education, Moscow, Russia
2Scientific Research Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, Moscow, Russia
Keywords: forecasting, development, monitoring, assessment of the quality of education, digital transformation, educational and educational process, digitalization of education, artificial intelligence, digital technologies, machine learning

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Introduction. In the last decade, the field of education has become one of the industries where digital technologies are widely used in order to improve the quality of education and control the educational and educational process. The use of digital tools allows creating predictive models based on the analysis of historical data and current trends, which contributes to more effective and accurate monitoring of the quality of education. This paper examines the impact of digital transformation on the monitoring system for assessing the quality of education, examines the possibility of predicting the future development of the education system and suggests methods and tools to continuously improve the educational and educational process. Attention is focused on the need to adapt existing approaches to assessing the quality of education to the new realities of the digital world, including the use of big data, artificial intelligence, machine learning and other innovative technologies. The research methodology includes the analysis of current scientific research and the use of modern data analysis methods to predict the development of a monitoring system for assessing the quality of education. The discussion of the article focuses on the impact of digital transformation on the processes of monitoring and evaluating the quality of education, as well as on possible ways to improve the monitoring system. The concepts of “digital transformation” and “quality of education” are analyzed, as well as the main aspects of the education quality monitoring system. In conclusion, it is concluded that forecasting the development of the monitoring system for assessing the quality of education in the context of digital transformation is of critical importance for improving the effectiveness of the educational process and maintaining a high level of educational standards.

The potential and heuristic significance of the media space in the context of universal education

Yunsheng Zhang1, I. V. Yakovleva2
1Shandong Institute of Physical Education, Jinan, China
2Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: media space, education, new media, value contradictions, phenomenology, global worldview

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Introduction. Analysis of the established discourse about the media space in relation to new educational guidelines in their interaction with the global world system reveals heuristic reserves for the dynamics of improving Internet communications and expanding ideas about the world as a new ontology of educational activity. Having identified the goal as the practical resolution of crisis trends in the field of public education, it is advisable to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the media space using the methodological principles of ontology, epistemology and axiology of educational activity. The methodology of theoretical research in the interpretation of the prolegomena of the media space is determined by intentional guidelines for their integration into the methodology of Chinese and Russian philosophy of education. Phenomenological approaches to finding the potential opportunities of the media space for new forms of educational practices are of decisive importance in the study. In the discussion, the prolegomena of the media space (media, media system, mass media, new media, communication, audience, cybersocialization, global worldview, media education, etc.) become the object of study, expanding its understanding to a global evolutionary interpretation as a single categorical space of educational reality. Other potentially containing concepts, concepts, and ideas for setting the goals of developing education, literacy and competence in the space of universal education are also considered. Conclusion. A single categorical space of educational reality, viewed through the prism of media space and media education as harmonious categories, actively integrated into the globalizing world and the philosophy of education of China and Russia. These events update a new understanding of the role and significance of a more in-depth development of ontology, epistemology and axiology of education. The presented methodological potential of the philosophy of education has a heuristic potential for the dialectics of the media space in relation to universal education.

Generative artificial intelligence in learning: prospects for a new didactics

S. I. Chernykh
Novosibirsk State Agrarian University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: social philosophy, artificial intelligence, generative systems, training, education, subjectivity, responsibility, identity

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Introduction. Considering learning as a complex process of interaction between various subjects in order to acquire knowledge, skills, and abilities, it is necessary to comprehend artificial intelligence as a generative educational technology. Generative artificial intelligence (neural networks) is a transitional stage from “narrowˮ artificial intelligence to “generalˮ artificial intelligence. Their impact on learning processes is the focus of scientific and social reflection within the framework of two problems: the complexity of developing methodological foundations and the need to develop a new didactics. The research methodology is based on the theoretical principles (traditional and progressive) of artificial intelligence research and its practical impact on the educational process as a new didactics and the possibility of artificial intelligence to become the “third” subject of educational interaction. Discussion. The leading thesis of most works is the understanding that for education generative artificial intelligence should be considered not only as a benefit, but also as an existential risk (limitation of the field of subjectivity of an individual). Considering the changes taking place in learning under the influence of the “directˮ integration of artificial intelligence applications (neural networks) into the content of learning (electronic tutor, digital consultant, etc.) means not only a new stage in the development of specific learning practices, but also a change in all components of the educational process. When discussing the problems that arise when using neural networks in learning, it becomes clear that a simple transfer of intuitive knowledge, systems and institutions of didactics of traditional learning to a new educational space will not be correct. At the same time, the lack of the right to make mistakes and the lack of knowledge about the “workˮ of “generalˮ artificial intelligence and the consequences of its application in educational interactions clearly require a rethink of the didactic foundations of learning as a process. Conclusion. The use of generative artificial intelligence in learning today is episodic, but its capabilities are expanding every day, influencing a person’s understanding of reality and himself. The phenomena of “destruction of responsibilityˮ that arise in this case, “moving into a comfort zoneˮ, mean a “blurringˮ of human subjectivity, especially in an educational environment, the consequences of which are not fully realized.

Transformation of the methodology of teaching artificial intelligence technologies in the context of digitalization of Russian society

K. V. Rozov1, M. A. Abramova2
1Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Russia, Novosibirsk
2Institute of Philosophy and Law, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia, Novosibirsk
Keywords: artificial intelligence technologies, methods of teacher training, conditions of digitalization of Russian society, digitalization of education

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Introduction. The task is set to identify the possibilities of transformation and prospects for the development of methods for teaching artificial intelligence technologies in the context of digitalization of Russian society. This task is updated by the growing importance of artificial intelligence in all spheres of society. The rapid development of AI has led to the need to train a new generation of personnel with skills in the field of information technology. But the task of updating the content and methods of training future artificial intelligence technologies teachers has acquired the greatest importance. Methodology. Analysis of changes in methodology as a component of personnel training that fulfills one of the tasks of an educational institution, solved within the framework of an even larger task - the formation of conditions for the sustainable development of the country as a whole, involves the use of structural-functional and systemic approaches in the research process. Discussion. The work also presents an analysis of regulatory documents and training programs. A retrospective analysis of the content of the traditional training of future computer science teachers in the basics of artificial intelligence revealed a fairly strong lag behind what is in demand by society and the level of technology that is being implemented everywhere today, which makes it urgent to set the task of reforming both the content and methodological support. The analysis performed demonstrates the possibilities of modernizing the methodology for training future computer science teachers in the use of artificial intelligence technologies, which are embodied in the model developed by the authors for preparing future computer science teachers for teaching artificial intelligence. Conclusion. Testing of the model showed effectiveness in developing students’ skills in mastering technical information technology, as well as the ability to transfer their knowledge to students. The results of the study demonstrated the success of the attempt made in the study to solve the existing problem of updating the content and methodology of training future teachers.

Contradictions of society and education in the theory of human capital development

O. V. Tsiguleva
Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: higher education, human capital development, knowledge economy, humanitarian foundation of higher education

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Introduction. Socio-economic transformations in the society development and technological progress were the reason for the education deconstruction, which affected the humanitarian foundation of higher educational institutions. The human capital phenomenon has become a key resource that is more significant than natural capital or accumulated wealth. The practice of the world leading countries (China, the Republic of Korea, Great Britain, the USA, Sweden, Switzerland, etc.) clearly demonstrates that investing in the creation of a competitive human resource is the most effective government strategy, where the total share of human capital more than doubles exceeds produced and natural capital. In Russia, the thesis of focusing education on a person’s labor potential from the economic profit point of view is being updated. Methodology. A comparative analysis of reforming educational systems in Russia and abroad is used as a methodological basis, identifying paradoxes and problems associated with the human capital development. Discussion. The rationalism crisis with its unshakeable faith in the revolutionary component of technological progress characterized by the services production priority and dependence of professional stratification on the education level, leads to a thinning of the humanitarian foundation in higher education. In support of this thesis, the following are considered: achievements of technological progress through human capital in Germany; professional orientation of the French human capital model; human capital orientation to the labor market requirements in the UK; the Bologna process as an example of the economic concept of human capital formation in Russia. Conclusion. The orientation of higher education towards the values of economic-market standards of administration today has become the reason for the loss of identity and originality of national education systems in the global world.

Value-knowledge and methodological resource of aesthetic and projective cycle disciplines in the development of architectural and artistic thinking

D. N. Demenev, E. K. Podobreeva, D. D. Hismatullina
Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, Magnitogorsk, Russia
Keywords: architectural and artistic space, synthesis of arts, value, knowledge, methodology, resource, concept of complementarity, integrated thinking

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Introduction. Trends in the development of society at the beginning of the 21st century. indicate the integrative nature of knowledge that shapes the consciousness of human society as a whole. The development of architectural and artistic integrated thinking, which allows us to understand complex historical processes, is becoming relevant. In order to draw attention to the value-knowledge and methodological resource of the disciplines of the aesthetic and projective cycle in the development of this type of thinking, an appropriate a methodology that is based on a set of theoretical and empirical approaches, including analysis of literature, a dialectical approach to historical and art reconstruction. The core of the study is the phenomenon of synthesis of plastic arts, in which the main link is architecture (architecture), which forms a comfortable and aestheticized spatial environment. Discussion. For many centuries, the role of architectural and artistic education in the development of integrated thinking has been decisive and undeniable. The information-digital and technological era provides great advantages (in speed and visualization of the logic of art and other processes and phenomena of reality). The novelty of the research is the presented project model and the implementation of the methodology for the development of integrated, architectural and artistic thinking. Within the framework of the set goals and objectives of the project, the interaction of painting and architecture was realized, which has a multifaceted, emotionally rich, aesthetic impact on a person. Conclusion. The analysis of the synthesis of arts through the prism of the concept of complementarity confirms that architectural and artistic space throughout the history of the development of human civilization continues to remain one of the main means of aesthetic transformation of reality and cultural progress. This, in turn, determines and confirms the need for a comprehensive, integrative approach in architectural and artistic education to realize the resource of the disciplines of the aesthetic and projective cycle, allowing the formation of integrated thinking in which the value, knowledge and methodological components are fused together.

Interactive video technology as a means of developing skills of foreign language professionally oriented communication in the context of digitalization of education

E. A. Melnikova, A. V. Soboleva, O. A. Obdalova
National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia
Keywords: interactive video technology, foreign-language professional communication, digitalization of education, social network, development of foreign-language speaking skills

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Introduction. In order to study the problem of finding an effective means of foreign language training for students of non-linguistic areas in a professionally oriented context, modern means of the digital environment are used, as well as testing the effectiveness and versatility of new technologies. The research methodology is based on analytical methods of subjectivism in the interpretation of interactive video technology. The general scientific basis is a set of leading approaches: personal-activity-based, professionally oriented, competency-based and technological, from the standpoint of which learning will acquire a pronounced focus. The authors have developed and scientifically substantiated an educational technology for developing foreign language skills in professionally oriented communication based on interactive video technology. Interactive video technology is considered in the context of project activities to create a video as a virtual report at an English-language professionally oriented conference. The entire educational process is built around this didactic core. The content of this activity is described, including the preparation, selection and analysis of materials adequate for professional and communicative purposes; developing a script for your video fragment; choosing a method for implementing a video creation project; editing and dubbing video in a foreign language and uploading it to the digital educational environment as a video report for a conference. A definition of interactive video technology is given, which acts as a multimedia teaching tool, with the help of which video materials and tools of digital social resources are used to create an interactive educational environment and community space for the Dive into Science conference on the VKontakte social network. Discussion. Interactive video technology: 1) creates conditions for intensifying educational and cognitive activity and active communication, stimulates student interaction with the content and among themselves through interactivity and multimodality; 2) makes a tool for personal self-realization and development of the ability of foreign language professionally oriented communication of students based on the creation of videos. Conclusion. The results of approbation have proved the effectiveness and applicability of the proposed technology in the development of foreign language professionally oriented communication skills in a digital environment.

Rhythmic gymnastics at the university: the search for new forms and methods of physical education

T. I. Kolosova, B. O. Mayer
Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: physical education, rhythmic gymnastics, coordination complexity, health, higher education, technical and aesthetic sport

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Introduction. Rhythmic gymnastics, within the framework of physical development, is characterized by complex coordination actions in the format of musical accompaniment and at the same time the spectacular effects of influencing the public with sports attributes (balls, ribbons, hoops, clubs, jump ropes, etc.). At all stages of preparation, this sport places high demands on the development of coordination of movements, flexibility, dexterity, concentration and other individual potential physical development of the subject. Taking into account that the requirements for rhythmic gymnastics competitions change regularly and have a strong tendency to introduce elements of increased complexity, accordingly, the search for creative methods of increasing the efficiency of the physical education process is being actualized in higher education. Considering that while receiving basic education it is impossible to increase the volume and intensity of physical activity, it is therefore important to help stimulate the need-motivational sphere of students in combination with an educational impact on the psycho-emotional background of students. In order to comprehensively improve motor abilities, there is a need to overcome the contradictions between the potential effectiveness of using elements of rhythmic gymnastics in the physical education of female university students and the lack of elaboration of pedagogical support in teaching this approach. Methodology. To achieve the goal, domestic works on organizing rhythmic gymnastics classes within the framework of physical education were studied, and an analysis was given of testing the elements of a technical and aesthetic sport. Discussion. The need to change the traditional methodology for organizing educational physical education classes using elements of rhythmic gymnastics is due to updating the quantity and quality of motor activity of girls aged 17-19 years. The author’s version proposes a program for the elective course “Fundamentals of rhythmic gymnastics in the format of aesthetically developing education.” Conclusion. A well-developed algorithm of pedagogical support in teaching rhythmic gymnastics is proposed, which, along with promoting the formation of a healthy image and lifestyle of students, along with the development of physical qualities, has an impact on increasing interest and motivation for innovative technical and aesthetic types of physical development.