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Geography and Natural Resources

2024 year, number 2

Research by the V.B. Sochava Institute of Geography: history and modernity

V.B. Sochava Institute of Geography, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk, Russia
Keywords: geographical sciences, stages, institute’s laboratories, physical geography, social geography, cartography

Abstract >>
We examine the progress achieved by the Irkutsk-based V.B. Sochava Institute of Geography SB RAS, the leading institution of geographical profile in the east of Russia. A resolution on the establishment of the institute was adopted on November 29, 1967. Subsequently, it was renamed several times, but maintained its focus on the present status and evolution of natural geosystems and their components as well as on the geographical bases for sustainable development of the regions of Siberia. Emphasis is placed on the specific characteristics of the historical stages of the institute’s establishment. The following Siberian scientific schools were formed; the school of physical geography (V.B. Sochava’s theory of geosystems), the school of systems and atlas cartography, exogenous geomorphology, landscape geochemistry, landscape hydrology, geography of economic development, population geography, and medical geography. The structure of the institute is described; it currently includes eight laboratories, namely physical geography and biogeography; geomorphology; landscape geochemistry and soil geography; economic and social geography; theoretical geography; and cartography, geoinformatics and remote sensing methods. Doctors and candidates of science make up half of institute’s staff of about 200. Annually, about 20 researchers are trained in postgraduate programs in 10 geographical specialties. The institute’s main achievements are highlighted, covering the entire period of its activity and encompassing all geographical sciences, with references to the most important publications included in the list of references. The scientific-organizational, international and social activities are presented. The objectives of the institute are defined in the context of global and regional challenges.

Baikal Institute of Nature Management SB RAS: its contribution to the sustainable development strategy

Baikal Institute of Nature Management, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Ulan-Ude, Russia
Keywords: sustainable development, Baikal region, rational use of natural resources, economy and society, geoecology, ecologically safe and resource-saving technologies

Abstract >>
This article summarizes the most important results in the main areas of activity of the Baikal Institute of Nature Management, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences (BINM SB RAS). From the moment of organization the institute was focused on a comprehensive solution of environmental problems which were transformed into the scientific concept of “sustainable development”. Interest in the issue of sustainable development of the regions has not diminished in recent decades, but is ever increasing due to the processes of globalization. While in the first years of existence of the institute the problems of development of individual regions and individual aspects of the concept of sustainable development were discussed, the problems of integration of natural, economic and social components of balanced spatial development at the level of macro-regions along such corridors as “Silk and Tea Road”, “Steppe Road”, “China-Mongolia-Russia Economic Corridor”, etc. The concept of sustainable development involves the analysis of the resource potential, the implementation of social programs and the development of new environmentally sound technologies and materials. These directions represent a strategic basis for the economic development of society in modern conditions. New approaches to the creation of sustainable ecological and economic systems are based on multidisciplinary knowledge and results of long-term research done by BINM SB RAS scientists.

Research by Institute of Natural Resources, Ecology and Cryology SB RAS on the evolution of environment and climate under the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors

Institute of Natural Resources, Ecology and Cryology, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Chita, Russia
Keywords: geosystems, minerageny, salt lakes, paleogeographic reconstructions, bioaccumulation, protected areas, green economy

Abstract >>
This article summarizes the results of many years of comprehensive research conducted by the scientific team of the Institute of Natural Resources, Ecology and Cryology SB RAS. As part of these studies, the composition, structure and patterns of evolution of the geo- and ecosystems of Central Asia are investigated. The complexity of the approach allows us to analyze various aspects of their evolution: geological, geographical, biological, physical, and climatic. The article describes the areas of research within which the most significant and fundamental results were obtained. In particular, the results from studying the geosystems of the Transbaikal North are shown. Regarding gold ore formations in Transbaikalia, a relationship has been identified between the type of gold ore formation and the content of toxic elements in the geological substrate. For natural and technogenic hydrogeochemical systems of Eastern Transbaikalia, the main geochemical indicators of the environment have been identified, which determine the mobility of rare, rare-earth and radioactive elements. Using the example of tungsten deposits in Transbaikalia, the importance of an integrated approach to the analysis of the processes that determine the hydrogeochemical parameters of the territory is demonstrated. The existence of metastable ice 0, which is formed from supercooled water at temperatures below -23 °C, has been experimentally proven. A large-scale analysis of the processes influencing the formation of saline lakes in Central Asia has been carried out. The study of the evolution of the limnosystems of Transbaikalia made it possible to identify the features of glacial morphogenesis which formed the basis for the zoning of the study area. Using the example of reservoirs and watercourses in Transbaikalia, the connection between their genesis and the specifics of their biotic composition is shown. It has been shown that the morphological variability of mollusks can serve as a bioindicator of paleoclimate. The results of studies of flora and fauna, and also the landscape uniqueness of the region, served as the basis for the creation of a number of specially protected natural areas of Transbaikalia. The most important study of the fossil biota in this area was the discovery and description of the remains of the feathered ornithischian dinosaur Kulindadromeus zabaikalicus in Transbaikalia. A separate important area of research is the analysis of environmental, economic and socio-demographic factors in the development of Russia, including Siberia and the Far East, taking into account cross-border interactions of this territory.

Background concentrations of heavy metals in the surface soil horizon of oil and oil-gas condensate fields in Eastern Siberia

Bonch-Bruevich St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications, St. Petersburg, Russia
Keywords: geochemistry, toxic elements, engineering and ecological surveys, Central Siberian Plateau, lithogenic basis of landscapes, analysis of variance

Abstract >>
Engineering and ecological survey data obtained on the oil and oil-gas condensate fields located in Eastern Siberia (Krasnoyarsk krai, Irkutsk oblast, and Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)) are processed and systematized. We determined average (background) concentrations of heavy metals and toxic elements which are subject to obligatory monitoring when carrying out engineering and ecological surveys (lead, cadmium, zinc, copper, nickel, arsenic, and mercury) for the main associations of soils, the prevalent kinds of soils, and also units of geochemical and metallogenic division into districts. It is established that the differences between soil phases for concentrations of the elements under study are, in general, rather small, which reflects commonalty of the source of elements: terrigenous deposits of the lower Paleozoic and poor development of processes of bio-accumulation in taiga conditions. The peat-podsolic alluvial-ferruginous soils are characterized by increased concentrations of copper and nickel. The influence of the litogenic basis on concentrations of heavy metals and toxic elements manifests itself more clearly than do the transformations of initial material in soil formation processes. Correlation coefficients are determined, dendrograms of interrelations of content of elements are constructed, and their associations are revealed: nickel and zinc; cadmium, mercury, arsenic; copper and lead. The resulting average concentrations of elements can be used as background concentrations in subsequent engineering and ecological surveys in the region.

Microplastics in the water of transboundary Lake Khanka and rivers of its basin

Pacific Geographical Institute, Far Eastern Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok, Russia
Keywords: microplastic pollution, surface layer of water, qualitative composition, concentration, freshwater ecosystems, Khanka State Nature Biosphere Reserve

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For the first time, an assessment is made of the content of microplastics in the surface waters of Lake Khanka and its tributaries. The sampling, preparation and analysis were carried out during the period 2021-2022. Five geographical points were selected (the source of the Sungacha River; the mouth of the Spasovka River; the Vostochnyi cordon; the Ilistaya River, and the Komissarovka River) as the areas most susceptible to pollution. Scanning spectrophotometry was carried out using the AIM-9000 SHIMADZU IR microscope, which showed that microplastic particles were present in all water samples examined. Microplastics of mixed and synthetic nature predominated, the concentration varied depending on the season (from 6 to 27 units/m3) in the spring-summer and (from 5 to 24 units/m3) in the autumn-winter sampling period. Microplastics were identified, mostly of secondary origin, and the vast majority was identified as fibers. A spectral analysis of the particles showed that polyester and natural fibers were the most common types of microplastics. An increased concentration of microplastics was observed at the mouths of the Spasovka and Komissarovka Rivers, in the area of the Vostochnyi cordon which is located in the eastern coastal part of the lake on the territory of the Khanka State Nature Reserve as well as at the source of the Sungachi River which drains Lake Khanka. It is concluded that the likely sources of microplastic pollution in Lake Khanka and the rivers of its basin are the river flow from the wastewater treatment plants, the runoff from agricultural land, and precipitation and/or untreated wastewater. A comparative analysis of the surface waters of Lake Khanka, the Haihe River (PRC), the Songhua River (PRC), and the rivers of Japan and South Korea was carried out. In all the water bodies presented, the predominant type of microplastic was represented by fibers of synthetic origin. The average concentration of microplastics in Lake Khanka was found to be noticeably lower than in the others, only exceeding in the Haihe River.

Paleogeography of the Sartan Ice Age in the mountains of Northern Cisbaikalia and Northwestern Transbaikalia

1Institute of Natural Resources, Ecology and Cryology, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Chita, Russia
2Vinogradov Institute of Geochemistry, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk, Russia
Keywords: Late Pleistocene, cirques, palaeo snow line, exaration, moraine, reconstruction

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A palaeogeographic map at a scale of 1:500 000 was built for the territory of Northern Cisbaikalia and Northwestern Transbaikalia during the maximum phase of the Last Glacial Period (MIS-2). Methods of remote identification and spatial registration of glacial landforms with subsequent geomorphological analysis were used. Exaration (cirques and troughs) and accumulative forms (moraines) have been studied, and the values of the depression of the palaeo snow line have been determined. The boundaries of the feeding areas have been reconstructed, the sizes and types of glaciers have been determined, and their correlation has been made in isolated mountain structures. The depression of the palaeo snow line of the mountain structures of the North Baikal Highlands and the ridges of the central part of the Baikal Rift Zone was 1200-1400 m in relation to the modern one. In terms of morphology, the glaciation of the region under consideration is attributed to the mountain-valley and reticulate with several sections of the mountain cover confined to the flattened surfaces of the summit belt of mountain structures. It has been established that the thickness of the glacier everywhere could reach 400-600 m or more. The axial parts of the ridges were mainly subjected to intense glaciation. The largest glaciers covered the Baikal, Barguzinskii, Verkhneangarskii, Delyun-Uranskii, and North and South Muiskii ridges. Together with those flowing down the valleys, they were represented by a single field with huge tongue lobes of outlet glaciers. Less extensive areas of glaciation emerged on the Muyakansky and Ikatsky ridges. Insignificant centers of glaciation are confined to the watershed parts of the Synnyr ridge and the Babanty mountain range. Extremely limited glaciation centers in the rest of the territory, mainly in the pre-rift zone, are associated with protruding peaks of watersheds to the northwest of the Baikal Rift Zone (North Baikal Highlands), and to the south-east towards the Vitim Plateau. An extensive palaeo lake with a level of 860 m, which arose as a result of the damming of the Vitim by the Sygykta glacier in the area of Lake Oron, was reconstructed in the Vitim River basin.

Nature management dynamics in the Selenga delta as a result of Lake Baikal level regulation

Baikal Institute of Nature Management, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Ulan-Ude, Russia
Keywords: cartographic reconstruction of nature management, geoinformation mapping, Lake Baikal level regulation, digital terrain model, operational territorial units

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A cartographic assessment of the dynamics of residential and agricultural nature management in the territory of the Selenga River delta using multi-time topographic maps for the period 1952-2015 is presented. A feature of this period is the Lake Baikal level regulation to ensure the operation of the Irkutsk hydroelectric power station and the transformation of the nature management system of the Selenga River delta and the lake shore. As a result of vectorization of retrospective layers of topographic objects, file geodata of the ArcGIS information environment were formed, representing a cartographic reconstruction of nature management in 1952, fixing a time slice of the natural state of the coastal geosystems of the lake, and making it possible to establish physical and geographical characteristics concerning the past economic use of the territory. Based on the elevation marks and contour lines of the topographic basis of the scale 1:50 000 survey of 1952, a digital terrain model was compiled, as well as a map of the geomorphological structure of the study area. As a result of combining the reconstruction with modern digital layers, the dynamics of waterlogging and flooding of the delta territory as a result of long-term Lake Baikal level regulation was established, and a spatio-temporal assessment of the dynamics of individual objects of nature management was carried out. In accordance with the physical and geographical location of the estuary and the modality of traditional nature management, the settlements were all divided into three groups: coastal, island and estuarine. A register of settlements has been compiled, in which each settlement is registered, broken down by area, number of households and number of inhabitants. As a result of the cartographic assessment of the dynamics of the water surface area, zones of waterlogging and flooding of the territory, stable areas, liquidated settlements and socio-economic facilities, and abandoned arable land were identified. Maps of the dynamics of the water surface and environmental management were compiled.

Spatial structure of the vegetation of the pine exposure-related forest-steppe on the Tsagan-Daban ridge (Western Transbaikalia)

1Banzarov Buryat State University, Ulan-Ude, Russia
2Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia
3Buryat Research Institute of Agriculture, Ulan-Ude, Russia
Keywords: plant species, communities, mountain forest-steppe, cartographic modeling, Selenga middle mountains, Transbaikalia

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This article analyzes the spatial structure of the zonal mountain-taiga vegetation on the Tsagan-Daban ridge in Western Transbaikalia. A three-level approach is implemented in revealing the spatial structure of vegetation: at the zonal (altitudinal-zonal), regional and landscape (intralandscape-phytocenotic) levels. As a result, features of the vegetation structure were identified on maps: a chorographic 1:1 500 000 map, a medium-scale (based on a satellite image) map, and a digital large-scale model using drone images. Thus, the zonal vegetation of the Selenga middle mountains, namely a steppe grass-shrub pine forest on a small-scale map of the vegetation of the south of Eastern Siberia on a medium-scale map of a key area, is differentiated by highlighting four contours: forests, forest-steppes, fallows, and agrocenoses. Further, on a digital large-scale map (Sc 1:5 000) of the key area within the boundaries of the mountain forest-steppe, 13 contours of steppe and forest vegetation, as well as shrub groups with areas of fallows and agrocenoses, were identified. The information content of the map has increased significantly. Thus, in the composition of the forests there occur rare communities of elm forests, as well as ephedra steppe groups with the participation of a relict population of the Dauro-Manchurian species Physochlaina physaloides. Also, a cluster analysis was made of forest-steppe catena communities. The results of the analysis are of methodological significance, because they allow typifying mountain forest-steppe landscapes. Thus, the identified steppe and forest clusters occur almost independently of each other, the similarity between them is minimal, indicating the most arid type of exposure forest-steppe. In general, the approach used in the analysis of the spatial organization of the phytocoenosystems is promising, as it provides a deeper understanding of the diversity of forest-steppe vegetation by identifying its structure at different scales.

Long-term changes in mineralization and flow of rivers within the Terek basin

High-Mountain Geophysical Institute, Nalchik, Russia
Keywords: Greater Caucasus, foothill zone, glacial feeding, mixed feeding, mineralization

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Global warming leads to an increase in the intensity of glacier melting, which affects the flow and mineralization of river water. However, these issues concerning small mountain rivers have been little studied. A study is made of the current state of the hydrological and hydrochemical characteristics of the rivers on the northern slope of the central part of the Greater Caucasus (Terek, Malka, Baksan, Cherek Balkarsky, Cherek Khulamsky, Chegem, Nalchik, and Kurkuzhin). We examine changes in the magnitude of mineralization of the main rivers within the Terek basin. The relationship between salinity and water discharge is studied. The rivers with floods during a warm period of the year are characterized by a close relationship between these characteristics (the coefficient of determination is 0.8-0.9), which makes it possible to determine river flow based on the relationship between flow and salinity. The Nalchik and Kurkuzhin Rivers, which are not fed by glaciers, are characterized by low values of the coefficient of determination: 0,4 and 0,2, respectively. A comparative analysis is made of the results we obtained for the years 2021 and 2022 with published data on the mineralization of the rivers for an earlier period (1958-1959). It was found that to date, the mineralization of rivers during low-water and high-water periods decreased on average by a factor of 1,5 and 1,8, respectively. Average long-term water flows of the rivers within the Terek basin in 2000-2022 increased by 2-9 m3/s when compared to the indicators of 1925-2013.

Seasonal soil freezing in the Middle Ob region on the territory of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra

1Nizhnevartovsk State University, Nizhnevartovsk, Russia
2Institute of Plant and Animal Ecology, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Yekaterinburg, Russia
Keywords: seasonal permafrost, snow cover, temperature, climatic factors, soil freezing, Fibric Histosols

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Presented are the results from studying the seasonal soil freezing dynamics during 2009-2023 in a section of the Ob River valley in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra (the territory of the Middle Ob region). In this study area there occur alluvial sod-gley soils in the floodplain on the pine-sphagnum bog peaty upland (oligotrophic soils), peaty-gley soils in the pine swamp forest, and illuvial-iron podzols under the mixed birch-aspen-Siberian stone pine stands. Data from neighboring sites located to the north and south of the main fixed station are used for comparative characterization. The purpose of this study is to reveal the seasonal freezing dynamics in the Middle Ob region. The objectives of the study are focused on identifying the long-term seasonal freezing dynamics in the southern permafrost zone. The research methods are based on field measurements using soil pits and snow measurements in the second half of March and the first half of April. The results of measurements from 2009 to 2023 revealed a decrease in the depth of soil freezing starting from the year 2015. It was found that the average annual temperature of the peat oligotrophic soils is 4.49 °Ñ. An increase in the mean annual temperature at a depth of 0.20 m by 1.16-1.45 °Ñ was noted. The mean annual temperature for illuvial-iron podzols at a depth of 0.20 m is 3.87 °C. The mean annual temperature gradient varied from 0.35 to 1.23 °C. The mean annual temperature for alluvial sod-gley soils during the study period was 5.23 °C. The average annual temperature gradient ranged from 0.42 to 1.12 °Ñ. The results of snow survey allowed us to calculate the water equivalent of snow cover for the 15-year period. The average annual snow cover height was 76 cm. The water equivalent of the snow cover was high: 259 mm in 2015 and 232 mm in 2020. The data obtained in the course of the study show that, within the key area, freezing depends on the integrating landscape-forming geocomponents and reflects the manifestation of the global climatic trend with local variations.

Present status of the Goryachii Klyuch thermal spring (Republic of Khakassia)

1Khakassky State Nature Reserve, Abakan, Russia
2Katanov Khakassian State University, Abakan, Russia
Keywords: thermal waters, chemical composition, Western Sayan, Goryachii Klyuch, hydrogeological natural monument, comprehensive program for territorial development

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Results of recent studies into physicochemical properties of the Goryachii Klyuch nitrogen thermal spring (Republic of Khakassia) obtained in 2021 during field studies are presented. It was found that spring water is moderately fresh (mineralization 0,45 g/L), weakly alkaline (pH 7,4), and with bicarbonate sodium-calcium composition. The main macro-components forming the chemical composition of the water were contained in the following ratios: HCO3- > Ca2+ > Na+ + K+ > Mg2+ > Cl- > SO42-. Zn, Cu, Pb, Mo and Fe were detected in the spring water. The concentration of lead exceeds MPC in groundwater and surface water bodies of household and cultural-domestic use, and the other components are within MPC. The measured total specific alpha- and beta-activity of radionuclides does not exceed the normative requirements. Radon was detected in the Goryachii Klyuch (2,55 Bq/dm3). The Goryachii Klyuch spring belongs to an important group of mineral waters widely used for balneological purposes. The possibility of its balneological development and protection as a unique hydro-geological natural monument should be envisaged. Priority activities are proposed to prepare a comprehensive program for the development of the thermal spring area. They include: infrastructural development of the spring; implementation of a program of comprehensive recreational monitoring for the area; implementation of a package of biotechnical measures aimed at increasing the recreational sustainability of the area around the spring and enhancing its aesthetic appeal; the spring should be given the status of a protected area of regional (local) significance, with the possibility of using the area for tourism and recreational activities; providing of preferences and granting support to entrepreneurs engaged in tourism and recreational activities in the area, and development and implementation of measures for year-round use and promotion of this territory as a full-fledged tourist product.

Climate continentality at different circulation epochs in Cisbaikalia

V.B. Sochava Institute of Geography, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk, Russia
Keywords: climate change, continentality index, atmospheric circulation, Baikal, air temperature, Siberia

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Based on data on air temperature as obtained at meteorological stations of Cisbaikalia, the dynamics of the continentality index over 90 years has been studied. An analysis was made of the dynamics of the continentality index in four circulation epochs in the Siberian sector (two zonal and two meridional epochs). The continentality was assessed by using the Gorczyński Continentality Index (GCI). The average long-term values of GCI in the study area are in the range from 51 to 86, which corresponds to the continental (33 < GCI < 67) and extreme continental (67 < GCI < 100) climate. A latitudinal growth of the GCI is clearly manifested. Minimum values were recorded at weather stations on the coast of Lake Baikal as well as at weather stations located in the central and southern parts of Irkutsk oblast, which are located on the coast of the reservoirs of the Angara cascade of hydroelectric power stations. It was found that with the zonal form of circulation, the continentality index either increases moderately or decreases at a slower rate than with the meridional form of circulation. An increase of the continentality index is observed at all weather stations at the second zonal circulation epoch (1977-2005). It is established that this is due to elementary circulation mechanisms (ECM) of the meridional northern group, the frequency of which at the second zonal epoch is twice as high as at the first epoch. The greatest contribution was made by sediment-forming ECM 12a, the duration of which since the late 1980s is twice as large as the long-term average. A distinctive feature of the weather stations on the Baikal coast is the positive trend of the continentality index at the last meridional epoch, while a negative dynamics is observed at the “continental” stations.

Landscape changeability in light of the theory of geosystems

V.B. Sochava Institute of Geography, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk, Russia
Keywords: changeability of geosystems, invariant, dynamic states of geosystems, dynamics, evolution, transformation of geosystems

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The essence and content of the concept of changeability as a complex property of geosystems is revealed in the context of the development of one of the theoretical foundations of complex physical geography, namely the theory of geosystems. An analysis of the basic concepts of the theory of geosystems related to the invariant, dynamic states of geosystems as well as their transformations is carried out. This analysis allowed us to identify the main categories and forms of realization of discrete and continuous, spatio-temporal and temporal changeability depending on natural and anthropogenic factors of influence. A comparative analysis is carried out between the evolution of geosystems and biological evolution and certain analogies between these processes are revealed. The concepts of evolution and transformation of geosystems are compared, and their similarities and differences are shown. The main dynamic states of geosystems (equifinal and variable) are reflected, and the relationship between them is revealed. It is pointed out that there are fundamental differences between indigenous and serial facies distinguished by factor-dynamic features, and indigenous and serial biogeocenoses as dynamic states of a particular facies determined mainly by natural and anthropogenic dynamics of the biota as well as related changes in matter and energy exchange between components of the geosystem and its environment (adjacent geosystems). A total of eight main forms of spatio-temporal and temporal changeability have been identified; four of them are forms of temporal changeability (natural and natural-anthropogenic dynamics, transformation, and evolution), and four are their spatial-temporal analogs associated with the spatial differentiation of dynamic states of geosystems within one and several invariants, as well as with typological heterogeneity of geosystems.

Scenarios of practical implementation of recreational load in SPNA: a case study of the Dus-Khol Lake natural monument (Tyva)

1Institute for Water and Ecological Problems, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Barnaul, Russia
2Center for Biosphere Research, Kyzyl, Russia
Keywords: natural monument, recreation, scenario development, algorithm for standardization and monitoring, method of introducing the norm, territorial development management

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This article is devoted to the problem of applying in practice the norms of recreational load in specially protected natural areas (SPNA). Results of efforts related to the determination of the permissible recreational load on the ecosystems of the Lake Dus-Khol natural monument in the Republic of Tyva are summarized. A brief critical analysis is made of the methodological basis for determining recreational loads in national SPNA, and the methods used to calculate the load norms for the study area are shown. The load norms introduced are analyzed for the functional areas of SPNA, boarding houses and the undeveloped coast, and the landscapes. It is concluded that currently the coast is considerably congested by visitors, the modern level of development of recreation is not consistent with the lake’s potential, the low level of recreation and “wild” forms are due to the material inadequacy of infrastructure as well as due to an extremely low level of service, and the lack of planned management. On the basis of the scenario method, the possible trends in the development of the natural monument and the entire resort area are established. The directions of interaction of factors and images of the most possible states of the lake’s coast are described. According to the results of a structural analysis of the three most likely scenarios (the inertial development of the lake’s coast (preservation of the trends that have developed to date), the installation of an elementary infrastructure on the coast (observance of sanitary and epidemiological standards), innovative development (creation of a special economic zone of tourist-recreational type of republican significance)), the key stages of making managerial decisions are identified. They will ensure systematic monitoring of compliance with the rules in practice. Each stage: regulatory and legal lawmaking, scientific and research support for management decisions, examination of project documentation, monitoring of design decisions, is represented by elementary standard functions of state institutions in the field of science, nature conservation, management, and control. The synthesis of functions forms a system of state control. It eliminates the need to monitor the stay and behavior of an individual vacationer. An algorithm for standardizing and monitoring recreational load in SPNA is proposed. It is useful as a discussion idea for researchers in the field of nature conservation, conservation studies, administrations of SPNA, and specialists of environmental agencies.

Areas of disturbed macroregional identity and stability of the space of the Russian Federation

V.B. Sochava Institute of Geography, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk, Russia
Keywords: core areas, potential isolation, ligament areas, zoning, socio-economic development, dynamics of macroregions

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This article considers the space of the Russian Federation based on analyzing the variability in macroregional identifications of its regions. Four variants of economic zoning of the territory of Russia as carried out by the State Planning Committee of the USSR and the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation are analyzed. Territories are identified, which in all variants of zoning are referred to the same macroregions and groups of macroregions (combined by basic terms-concepts, such as Siberia, the Far East, the Urals, etc.) and territories referred in different zonings to different macroregions and their groups. The former and latter territories are defined, respectively, as areas of stable and disturbed macroregional identity. Disturbances of macroregional identity are variative. The concepts of macroregional cores (areas of stable and slightly disturbed macroregional identity) of various levels are introduced. Areas that, by their identity, occupy an intermediate or transitional position between the cores, are defined as ligament areas. Core areas are regarded as territories of potential isolation, and ligament areas as territories that increase the stability of the RF space in relation to the risks of disintegration. Three areas of disturbed macroregional identity (ligament areas) were identified, namely the Black Sea-Caspian, Volga-Ural, and Eastern. The Black Sea-Caspian area connects the historical and political-economic core with the republics of the North Caucasus and the industrial core of the middle Volga region. The Volga-Ural area connects the most developed territories of the European and Asian parts of the Russian Federation. The eastern area is the European part of the country, and Western Siberia with the Far East. Both European areas of disturbed macroregional identity, compared with the Eastern one, have a higher level of socio-economic development, have a greater demographic weight, are characterized by increased involvement in military-political conflicts in the post-Soviet space, and, accordingly, receive increased attention from the federal authorities. Overcoming the socio-economic lag of the majority of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, which form the Eastern area, from the average levels for the country, is one of the factors for maintaining the country’s territorial stability.

The hypothesis of tectonic preglacial genesis of the basin and water body of Antarctica’s Lake Vostok

1Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia
2St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia
3China University of Geosciences, School of Geophysics and Information Technology, Beijing, China
4Jilin University, Polar Research Center, Changchun, China
Keywords: Gondwana, paleotectonics, rift genesis, geothermal flows, vertical water stratification, origin of the water body and bottom sediments

Abstract >>
A brief history of the latest major geographical discovery of the 20th century: subglacial Lake Vostok in Antarctica, is considered. The contribution of Russian and British scientists to this milestone event is analyzed. The article estimates the scientific importance and the need to study the unknown hydrological object located under the glacial strata of more than 3700 m in thickness, the habitat of microbial variety under the conditions of chemosynthesis as well as testing scientific and engineering technologies for space projects in the search for life. It is indicated that the Antarctic community has approved the Russian comprehensive environmental evaluation of environmental effects of the project for unsealing the glacier above Lake Vostok. The role of subglacial lakes in Antarctica’s hydrology is determined, and the hypotheses of their origin are considered: the possibility for glacier melting at its lower surface and tectonic formation of lacustrine valleys and water in them before glaciation of the sixth continent. Based the results of paleotectonic studies in Antarctica and India and taking into consideration the analysis of the size and topography of the Lake Vostok valley, it is concluded that it has a rift-related origin. This geological process is characteristic of the period of splitting of the Gondwana supercontinent that began 130-140 million years ago. This is evidence of a high likelihood that the water body of Lake Vostok came into existence prior to Antarctica’s drift toward high latitudes of the southern hemisphere. It is concluded that Lake Vostok had appeared long before the beginning of glaciation of Antarctica 35-40 million years ago and, accordingly, that the age of strata of water and bottom sediments of Lake Vostok is much more ancient than the age of the glacier located above it. The results obtained indicate that a scientific study of this lake is more promising than the search for the most ancient ice on Earth with the maximum supposed age of only up to 1,5 million years.

The environmental-economic strategy of Kyrgyzstan: challenges and promising areas of implementation

1Russian State Social University - Branch, Osh, Kyrgyzstan
2Osh State University, Osh, Kyrgyzstan
Keywords: ðroduction of environmentally friendly products, greening, competitiveness. environmental security, green economy, natural capital

Abstract >>
We examine the factors and conditions of economic, resource and environmental nature. It is concluded that the reduction of poverty in Kyrgyzstan plays a key role in terms of sustainable development and strategic security of the country. The article identifies the reserves of Kyrgyzstan’s economy to strengthen the natural capital potential of the region. Regional factors for the development of the strategy to achieve socio-economic and environmental security of Kyrgyzstan are identified. It is shown that digitalization, by comprehensively improving the socio-economic conditions of management, has a beneficial effect on the processes of innovative modernization of Kyrgyzstan, and contributes to improving regional policy to achieve socio-economic stabilization. It is established that Kyrgyzstan has unique tourist and recreational resources and great potential for the development of touristic and recreational business activities. Due to the availability of touristic and recreational resources in the regions of the country, it is the touristic and recreational activities that can act as an alternative way for the socio-economic activity of the population and as a means of reducing the poverty level of the population. The article shows some socio-economic and regional features of tourism in Kyrgyzstan, with due regard for the specifics of ensuring socio-ecological-economic security. The importance of tourism and recreation in terms of the socio-ecological and economic stabilization of the region is substantiated. With the burden of environmental and economic problems accumulated in the past in the regions of Kyrgyzstan, a further development of the tourism and recreation industry is a significant precondition for greening the economy. The tourism and recreation sector of Kyrgyzstan may well become a kind of locomotive for the country’s green economy in conditions of increased vulnerability and limited assimilation capacity of the mountainous areas of the country.


L.M. Korytny
V.B. Sochava Institute of Geography, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk, Russia