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Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics

2024 year, number 3

Superresonance: a discovery that was not made more than 100 years ago

I.V. Minin, O.V. Minin
National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk, Russia
Keywords: Mie theory, high-order Fano resonance, mesoscale spherical particle, mesotronics, superresonance, giant magnetic field

Abstract >>
Although the Mie theory was created about 120 years ago, most of the discoveries made during the last 30 years can be described on the basis of this theory (photon jet, Fano resonance, optical anapoli, optical vortices, acoustic jet). They were "encoded" in the Lorenz-Mie formulas and were just waiting for someone to decipher them. The article briefly discusses a new effect - superresonance (and the accompanying Fano resonance of an extremely high order), which describes the scattering of light by spherical particles. Superresonance could also have been discovered as early as in 1908 and its basic physics can also be explained using the Mie theory. However, this effect remained hidden inside the exact Mie solution for almost 120 years!

LED Fourier spectroscopy of H216O in the 14800-15500 cm-1 spectral region

I.A. Vasilenko, L.N. Sinitsa, V.I. Serdyukov
V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, Tomsk, Russia
Keywords: water vapor, LED-based Fourier transform spectroscopy, energy levels, vibrational-ratational transitions

Abstract >>
Fourier absorption spectrum of water vapor is studied in the spectral region 14800-15500-1 with a resolution of 0.05 cm-1 and an optical path length of 3480 cm. A detailed list is obtained consisting of 906 identified absorption lines of H216O, as well as a set of 426 energy levels belonging to 19 vibrational states. Fifty-five energy levels are determined for the first time, and the energies of 64 levels are corrected. A comparison is made with the data available in the literature. The error in the positions of well-resolved not very weak lines is 0.002 cm-1, and the error in intensities is 10-15%.

Absorption coefficient of CO2 dimers within 4.3 and 15 mm CO2 bands

O.B. Rodimova
V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, Tomsk, Russia
Keywords: IR spectrum, carbon dioxide, dimers (СО), spectral line wings

Abstract >>
Absorption due to (СО2)2 dimers is estimated as the difference between the experimental CO2 absorption and that calculated on the basis of the asymptotic line wing theory. This procedure successfulness depends on the quantity and quality of the given experimental data. Available absorption data on the absorption within the 4.3 and 15 mm СО2 bands do not satisfy in full these requirements. However the qualitative agreement of the dimer absorption obtained with the measured and calculated positions of the (СО2)2 bands allows one to say about the procedure as about additional way of estimate absorption of the stable dimers of the H2O and CO2 molecules important for the atmospheric IR absorption.

The effect of electronic halos on the scattering properties of solid particles in the microwave range

S.F. Balandin1, V.A. Donchenko2, V.F. Myshkin3, I.I. Pavlov4, V.A. Pogodaev1, V.L. Khazan5, V.A. Khan1,3
1V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, Tomsk, Russia
2Siberian Physical-Technical Institute of the Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia
3National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk, Russia
4Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Information Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia
5Omsk State Technical University, Omsk, Russia
Keywords: microparticle, laser radiation, heating, laser breakdown, thermal emission, conductivity, microwave reflection

Abstract >>
Physical processes occurring in aerodisperse media with solid particles in a laser channel during thermal emission of electrons from the particle surface and primary optical breakdown are considered. Estimates of the change in the refractive index during the formation of plasma halos around radiation-heated microparticles are given. The possibility of weak ionization of the air medium at a distance of several centimeters from the breakdown site is shown, due to the ionization of NO molecules and the course of a number of thermochemical reactions.

Air composition over the Russian Arctic. 4. Atmospheric aerosols

O.Yu. Antokhina1, P.N. Antokhin1, V.G. Arshinova1, M.Yu. Arshinov1, B.D. Belan1, S.B. Belan1, O.I. Berdashkinova2, L.P. Golobokova2, D.K. Davydov1, G.A. Ivlev1, A.V. Kozlov1, N.A. Onischuk2, T.M. Rasskazchikova1, D.E. Savkin1, D.V. Simonenkov1, T.K. Sklyadneva1, G.N. Tolmachev1, A.V. Fofonov1, T.V. Khodzher2
1V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, Tomsk, Russia
2Limnological Institute of the Siberian Branch of the RAS, Irkutsk, Russia
Keywords: Arctic, atmosphere, aerosol, air, vertical distribution, transport, impurity, number concentration, chemical composition

Abstract >>
This work presents the analysis of the spatial distribution of number concentrations, size distribution, and chemical composition of aerosol particles measured for the first time over the seas of the Russian Arctic. Various types of vertical distribution of the number concentration were recorded, characteristic of both coastal marine and continental areas. Most of them turned out to be of the continental type. Attention is also drawn to the almost complete absence of coarse particles above 2-3 km over all seas. The chemical composition of the Arctic aerosol at altitudes of 200 m 5000 m contains ions that can be attributed to both marine and continental. The identifiable non-carbon elemental part of the aerosol (without ions) over the Arctic is 3-4 times larger than the at for ions. Over all seas and at both altitudes, the Arctic aerosols mainly contain elements of terrigenous origin - Al, Cu, Fe, Si. Over almost all seas, except the Barents Sea, Si dominates in the elemental composition of the aerosol, its contribution over the Chukchi Sea reaching 85%. The analysis of backward trajectories showed that in all cases considered, whether the aerosol was formed over the continent or sea, air trajectories passed both over sea and over land. In this case, the formed particles could be enriched with additional ions and elements along the way.

Wind and gust forecasting in Tomsk with TSUNM3 model

A.V. Starchenko1,2, I.V. Del1,2, S.L. Odintsov2
1National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia
2V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, Tomsk, Russia
Keywords: numerical weather prediction, wind gust, mesoscale model of numerical weather prediction TSUNM3

Abstract >>
For short-term forecasting of weather periods characterized by strong winds with gusts in Tomsk, it is proposed to use the results of calculations based on the local weather numerical prediction model TSUNM3 (Tomsk State University Mesoscale Meteorological Model) in combination with semi-empirical formulas for estimating the scale of wind gusts. The comparison of the calculations and observations of meteorological parameters obtained for the conditions under consideration at the meteorological stations of the Common Use Center "Atmosphere" of IAO SB RAS, the AMIS-RF airport, and the Tomsk meteorological stations showed the prospects of using the model for numerical forecasting of this dangerous weather phenomenon. The results of the work are to be used for the development of an information and predictive system for early warning of dangerous wind gusts.

Estimation of the signal-to-noise ratio from raw data measured by a pulsed coherent Doppler lidar under conditions of non-stationary noise

I.N. Smalikho, V.A. Banakh, A.M. Sherstobitov
V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, Tomsk, Russia
Keywords: coherent Doppler lidar, signal-to-noise ratio non-stationary noise, radial velocity

Abstract >>
The key factor determining the accuracy of pulsed coherent Doppler lidar (PCDL) wind speed measurements is the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Therefore, SNR information is important for interpreting measurement results. However, the known approaches to determining SNR from raw data measured by PCDL are not applicable in the case of a PCDL lidar created at the Wave Propagation Laboratory of Institute of Atmospheric Optics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, (WPL PCDL lidar) due to significant non-stationarity of the noise component of recorded signals. In this work, a new technique for determining the signal-to-noise ratio from raw data measured by a pulsed Doppler lidar (PCDL) accounting the non-stationarity of noise is developed. The technique was tested in an experiment with a Stream Line PCDL and the WPL PCDL lidar. By comparing SNR estimates from joint measurements by these lidars, the practical applicability of the suggested technique is confirmed.

Influence of an internal gravity wave on the shape of the curve for the spectral density of the vertical component of wind velocity

I.N. Smalikho, V.A. Banakh, A.M. Sherstobitov
V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, Tomsk, Russia
Keywords: coherent Doppler lidar, wind turbulence, internal gravity wave, spectral density, exponent

Abstract >>
Issues of turbulent wave interaction in the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) have not yet been sufficiently studied. In particular, the question of the influence of an internal gravity wave (IGW) arising in a thermally stable ABL on the spectrum of turbulent wind speed fluctuations remained open. In this work, using pulsed coherent Doppler lidar measurements, the influence of IGW on the shape of the curve for the spectral density of the vertical component of the wind velocity is studied. It has been established that IGW causes a significant change in the shape of the wind speed spectrum curve at frequencies below the boundary of the inertial turbulence interval. In this case, in the interval between the IGW frequency and the lower limit of the inertial interval, the frequency dependence of the spectrum is close to a power law. By analyzing 700 lidar estimates of vertical wind speed spectra, it was found that for such a frequency interval the exponent is on average equal to -3. The results of the work can be used to improve algorithms for numerical simulation of thermally stable ABL.

Estimation of parameters of the inertial interval of turbulent temperature spectrum from time series of data from sonic weather stations

a:2:{s:4:"TYPE";s:4:"TEXT";s:4:"TEXT";s:44:"D.A. Marakasov, A.L. Afanas’ev, E.V. Gordeev";}
V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, Tomsk, Russia
Keywords: non-Kolmogorov turbulence, energy spectrum, structure constant, outer scale, sonic weather stations

Abstract >>
The basis for estimating turbulence characteristics using the primary output data of sonic weather stations is currently the classical Kolmogorov-Obukhov model of homogeneous and isotropic turbulence with a power-law structure function with an exponent of 2/3. In practice, such conditions are not always implemented in the atmosphere. In this article, to describe the non-Kolmogorov turbulence, an approach based on the use of a generalized power model with an exponent, a structural characteristic, and an outer scale estimated directly from the measured time series of instantaneous values of recorded meteorological parameters is suggested. The criteria of applicability of the model for estimating characteristics of real atmospheric turbulence are derived.

Determination of the energy characteristics of rainfall using the optical precipitation gauge

a:2:{s:4:"TEXT";s:46:"V.V. Kal’chikhin, A.A. Kobzev, A.A. Tikhomirov";s:4:"TYPE";s:4:"text";}
Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Tomsk, Russia
Keywords: precipitation, rainfall intensity, rainfall kinetic energy, rain gage, disdrometer, soil erosion

Abstract >>
A brief overview of tasks that require information about the energy characteristics of rains, as well as methods for obtaining this information, is given. A technique is described for determining the kinetic energy transferred by hydrometeors based on the microstructural characteristics of precipitation obtained using the optical precipitation gauge OPTIOS. The methodology usage is illustrated with measurement data of the heavy rainfall that fell in Tomsk on July 22, 2023. The influence of various microstructural parameters on the amount of kinetic energy brought by raindrops to the underlying surface is analyzed. The comparison is made with the values obtained by simplified methods. It is concluded that the capabilities of the optical precipitation gauge allow it to be successfully used in solving tasks that require an accurate assessment of the energy characteristics of rainfall.
