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Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics

2023 year, number 9

Statistics of air temperature inversions in the atmospheric boundary layer over Tomsk

A.P. Kamardin, V.A. Gladkikh, I.V. Nevzorova, S.L. Odintsov
V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, Tomsk, Russia
Keywords: planetary boundary layer, temperature inversion, wind speed, wind direction, turbulence kinetic energy, turbulent heat flux


Characteristics of air temperature inversions in the atmospheric boundary layer (frequency of occurrence, intensity, and depth) up to a 1-km height are analyzed based on experimental MTP-5 (meteorological temperature profiler) data obtained in 2020-2022. Air temperature profiles were measured simultaneously at a site with natural landscape (Tomsk suburbs) and over an urban territory (Akademgorodok, outskirts of Tomsk). Temperature inversions were observed in approximately half of the observation period. The statistics of various forms and types of inversions for different seasons is presented. The correlation between the inversion intensity and weather parameters in the surface air layer is considered. A significant effect of the wind direction on the inversion intensity is noted.