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Geography and Natural Resources

2022 year, number 5S

Methodological approaches to the economic assessment of the consequences of changes in the level regime of Lake Baikal

Baikal Institute of Nature Management, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Ulan-Ude, Russia
Keywords: damage, direct losses, lost profits, mapping, legal acts


An analysis is made and methodological approaches are suggested to assess the economic, social and environmental consequences of flooding and waterlogging of territories confined to the water area of Lake Baikal. The concept of economic assessment of the impact of the level regime of a water body on natural and economic complexes and the population is generalized. The factors influencing the valuation of damage are identified, and the main characteristics of the consequences of the negative impact of water are presented. The necessity of updating the methodology for assessing the likely damage from the negative impact of water and assessing the effectiveness of the implementation of preventive water management measures in terms of certain categories of damage is shown. A technique for geoinformation mapping of the negative impact of the level regime of Lake Baikal on natural and socio-economic sites is suggested. The cartographic database contains a vector layer of land boundaries and an attribute table. On the basis of direct counting methods, local damages are calculated by taking into account actual losses based on standard specific indicators and prevailing market prices for products, lost profits, and valuation of ecosystem services. The methods of transport and recreational costs are used, which assess the willingness to pay for environmental benefits in accordance with information on time and cost expenditures when visiting a recreational facility. An analysis of the regulatory framework for assessing socio-economic risks in case of changes in the water level in Lake Baikal is made by using the territory of Buryatia as an example. A grouping of socio-economic systems of coastal territories was carried out according to vulnerability criteria.