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"Philosophy of Education"

2022 year, number 4

Education on humanity’s path to an egalitarian society. Ðart 2. The world-system paradigm in comparative education and critical pedagogy

A. A. Izgarskaya1, E. A. Gordeychik2
1Institute of Philosophy and Law, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia
2Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: modernization theory, neo-institutional concept of world culture, world-system approach, comparative education, critical pedagogy

Abstract >>
Introduction. The theory of modernization, the neo-institutional concept of world culture and the world-system approach explain the current world situation in different ways and offer different ways to change it. The article discusses the theoretical and methodological advantages of the world-system approach, as well as how these advantages are reflected in the field of comparative education and critical pedagogy. Methodology. The idea of the paradigm development of science by T. Kuhn and the idea of I. Lakatos about the commensurability of the empirical bases of research programs formed on the basis of paradigms were used as a methodological basis. Discussion. The world-systems approach has a larger empirical base than competing paradigms. The ontology and methodological base available in the world-system approach allow in the field of comparative education to raise and resolve issues related to social conflicts, inequality, and anti-systemic processes. In contrast to the theory of modernization and the neo-institutional concept of world culture, the world-system approach breaks with Eurocentrism, opening up new perspectives for studying the development of education systems, taking into account their diversity. The appeal of the supporters of the world-system approach in comparative education to critical pedagogy is a consistent transition from solving theoretical problems to the practice of the educational process. Conclusion. The comparison of the three paradigms is incomplete and in the future can be continued on the basis of the methodology of the research programs of I. Lakatos. However, already at this stage, the advantages of the world-system paradigm and the prospects for its use in the field of comparative education are clearly visible. The authors express the hope that the pedagogical projects of critical world-system education will find wide support and humanity will have the opportunity to choose the path to a less repressive form of social organization.

On the way to the health of society. Part 3. The axiological basis of society and the fundamental role of education

E. V. Ushakova1, T. S. Kosenko2
1Altai State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Barnaul, Russia
2Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: public health, partial basis of society, axiological basis of society, education, fundamental role of education, axiosystem of education

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The third part of the paper “On the way to the health of society” discusses the problem of developing the foundations for the healthy existence of society as a complex sociosystem with a full-fledged public consciousness, where the subjects of society are people capable of value-oriented systematic, purposeful, independent cognitive activity. In order to formulate ideas about the axiological social basis, the forms of social consciousness that correlate with value-based instrumental and educational practice are studied, allowing substantiating the principles of healthy existence of society in theoretical and applied aspects. Methodology. The socio-philosophical analysis uses: system-philosophical and dialectical methodology; the principle of integrity (holism); socio-cultural approach to the disclosure of the axiological social basis. The problem of ontological and epistemological foundations of social existence in relation to the fundamental role of education is revealed. Discussion. The general structure of an active social system includes three main parts or substructures: perceiving (external), transforming-conducting (middle) and concentrating (central, or the core of the system). The concentrating substructures (the core of the sociosystem) are: territorial-metropolitan cities, in structural and functional terms - the governing bodies of the sociosystem, in content terms - the value-significant spiritual and material foundations of the sociosystem. From the standpoint of the element-system organization of society, the basis of a healthy sociosystem should be spiritual and material, holistic (integral), axiological (value), and not partial (one-sided, for example, only material). The axiological basis of society should correspond to a healthy holistic, spiritual and bodily essence of a person. In such a basis, the sphere of education acquires a fundamental, attributive role, since it is in it that the elements of this society are formed - people of an ennobled image, and the latter form a creatively creative public consciousness. The axiological dialectic of society and education is associated with a new trajectory of activity-instrumental improvement of both the subject and the object of the educational ecosystem. Conclusion. The essence of a healthy society is predetermined by its axiological basis in relation to the fundamental role of a new educational axiosystem that forms a whole person.

Formal and informal education in the information society

M. A. Antipov
Penza Theological Seminary of the Penza Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church, Penza, Russia
Keywords: information society, individual and public consciousness, digitalization, education, informal education, online education

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Introduction. The image of modern society is largely determined by information technology. The global Internet network has an ambiguous impact on society. On the one hand, it contributes to the spread of mass culture, which creates risks of intellectual degradation and spiritual impoverishment of users, and on the other hand, by erasing physical and geographical boundaries, it provides ample opportunities for communication, knowledge, education and self-development. In such conditions, the problem of identifying the role and nature of education in the information society, as well as studying its transformations in connection with its differentiation into offline and online, is actualized. Methodology. Within the framework of postmodern concepts of social reality, the sociocultural conditions for the existence and development of modern education are revealed. The socio-phenomenological approach serves to interpret the relationship and mutual influence of society and the individual at the level of social and individual consciousness. The sociocultural approach makes it possible to single out informal education as a special social phenomenon. Discussion. The contradictory nature of the impact of digitalization on modern society is revealed. It is indicated that the blurring of both public consciousness and the simplification of its content leads to similar changes in the consciousness of the individual. The role of education as the most important institution for the transmission of socio-cultural experience and socialization is highlighted. The transformations of education under the influence of digitalization are highlighted: individualization, the development of online learning, the division of education into formal, non-formal and informal. The essence of informal education is revealed. The importance of both strengthening formal education and the formation and development of the cultural and educational environment where informal education is carried out is discussed. Conclusion. The conclusion is made about the change in the nature of the social distribution of knowledge under the influence of the Internet in the direction of increasing their availability with a simultaneous decrease in their quality. It is indicated that in the context of digitalization, education is undergoing dramatic changes: a significant part of the educational process is being transferred to the online spaces of the Internet, and the understanding of education is expanding to the level of distinguishing formal, informal and informal types within it.

Induction programs for supporting young teachers of a small rural school: international experience

O. V. Tsiguleva, E. A. Dudina, E. V. Mikhailova
Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: small rural schools, induction programs to support young teachers, mentoring

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Introduction. Socio-ideological and socio-structural factors consist in that a rural small school is not only an educational institution, but also a social institution with a multidimensional and concentrated influence on the rural areas development, solving demographic problems, strengthening youth, improving cultural and professional level of rural society. In this regard, the issues of centralized resource support and professional development of newly-hired teachers of small rural school are being updated. Professional support programs (induction programs) for novice teachers in small rural schools are the key ones in the modernizing education strategy in foreign countries14. Methodology. A comparative analysis of the content of induction support programs for small rural schools teachers in foreign countries is used as a methodological basis. Discussion. The international experience of professional supporting young teachers of small rural schools is presented. The tasks and characteristic features of induction programs’ content to support teachers of small rural schools in foreign countries are revealed. Pedagogical and methodological means that provide compensation for deficits in the educational process in small rural schools in foreign countries are analyzed. Conclusion. On the basis of a comparative analysis, data are presented on possible programs to support small rural schools in foreign countries, natural conditions and opportunities for building a career route, professional and personal development, psychological microclimate and well-being of the newly-hired teachers.

Globalization and internationalization of education: axiological aspect

M. S. Ashilova1, A. S. Begalinov2, K. K. Begalinova3
1Abylay Khan Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages, Almaty, Kazakhstan
2International University of Information Technologies, Almaty, Kazakhstan
3Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Keywords: globalization, internationalization, philosophy of education, axiology, transnational interaction, humanization, distance education, online education

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Introduction. The information revolution that unfolded in the era of globalization has further aggravated the problems of education, laying the foundation for radical changes in the educational system, in its value foundations. What is the essence of these changes? There is a variety of points of view, concerning this question, and they are reflected in the article. Globalization has the character of Americanization, strengthening the dominance of Western Europe in the educational sphere. Internationalization, as a counter-globalization opponent, is looking for effective ways of mutually beneficial international cooperation. Internationalization and globalization of education are different concepts, despite the fact that they are often used as synonyms. They are different in their essence, since both phenomena, leading to greater interdependence and interconnection of universities, have different goals and value bases. The research methodology uses general philosophical methods of world-system comparative analysis in the axiological unity of historical and modern. Discussion. The difference between internationalization and globalization of the educational sphere, their interrelation and fundamental differences are emphasized. The convergence of various types of education, including eastern and western, generates a change in national educational paradigms, the formation of a new axiosphere of the educational space. Conclusion. Internationalization of education can be a response to globalization in the aspect of a soft synthesis in national education systems of global and regional, special and individual, national and world. It is not possible to break away from global problems, but there is a certain synthesis that, based on progressive development, will create conditions for the formation of a universal educational axiosphere.

Forms of objectification of moral and ethical educational goals of engineering profile

A. N. Dorofeev1,2, G. V. Bukalova3
1National Research University "Higher School of Economics", Moscow, Russia
2Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia
3Turgenev Oryol State University, Orel, Russia
Keywords: Post-industrial society, engineering education, pedagogical research, meta-ethics, structural composition of moral and ethical competencies

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Introduction. The development of post-industrial society entails the intensification of the functioning of the entire sphere of technical production. Freedom and responsibility of production activity of individuals are actualized. The problem of developing the methodological basis of moral and ethical competencies of a graduate of an engineering university, which was little emphasized before, becomes significant. The impetus for solving this humanitarian problem was the result of an empirical study of the level of the actual significance of the educational goals of preparing university graduates for engineering and technical activities of the car service profile. Methodology. The appeal to the provisions of metaethics (analytical and philosophical methodology of logical positivism and essential characteristics of labor), which regulates the ethical sphere of educational goals with the help of logical and deontological attitudes, requires both differentiation of moral and ethical competencies of the engineering profile, and the search for new information and semantic forms of objectification of metaethics. Discussion. A group of competencies that are traditionally formed during training sessions and presented to students only declaratively, without intrusion into their individual world, is highlighted. The high level of relevance of the ethical sphere of modern engineering training, revealed on the basis of the results of the study, served as an impetus for the development of a methodological guideline for the formation of educational goals adequate to the needs of the specialized technical sphere of production and society as a whole. The necessity of differentiation of moral and ethical competencies of a graduate of a university of cognitive and non-cognitive forms of objectification, fixing the effectiveness of their practical development by students, is substantiated. The structural complexity of the practical formation of these competencies depends on the ambiguity of the ethical issues of engineering. In accordance with the theoretical concepts, the deontological conditions for the development of moral and ethical competencies as educational values by students of the engineering profile are determined. Conclusion. The applied and theoretical levels of research allowed: 1) to involve analytical and philosophical methodology for objectification of moral and ethical educational goals of the engineering profile; 2) to divide the moral and ethical cognitive according to the signs of unconditional necessity and empirically relative regulated by the features of the profile sphere of production; 3) to identify the degree of relevance for the auto-servicing sphere of production of the development of ethical elements of engineering activity by students of the motor vehicle profile.

Phenomenology of the ideal and utopian through the prism of Dialectical categories

D. N. Demenev, E. K. Podobreeva, D. D. Hismatullina
Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, Magnitogorsk, Russia
Keywords: dialectic, ideal, utopia, modality, necessary, possible, real, classical art

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Introduction. The challenge for modern humanity in the development of ideological, patriotic and civic positions is the appeal to the problems of the ideal and utopian. The paper has a polemical focus, the purpose of the paper is to distinguish the concepts of “ideal” and “utopia” through the prism of dialectical categories (necessary - accidental, possible - valid). The research methodology includes historical and philosophical reconstruction of the concepts of “ideal” and “utopia” in the samples of classical art. The phenomenological analysis of the ideal and utopia is carried out through the prism of the categories of modality: necessary, possible, real bifurcation and attractor. Discussion. The focus of the study of the concepts of “ideal” and “utopia” was aimed at analyzing: the status of the phenomena of the ideal and utopian as a source of self-movement of contradictions of the necessary - accidental; the polyvariance of processes in the ideal and utopian through the possible - real as a special form of social consciousness. A generalization is made that, unlike utopia, which is capable of obscuring and replacing reality in a negative sense (unrealization, as well as realization of negative quality), the ideal does not just allow consciousness to create images corresponding to it on the inner plane, but contributes to the transformation of reality to one degree or another. Conclusion. The dialectical approach to understanding the phenomena of the ideal and utopia allows concluding that without these phenomena, the meaning of civilizational progress is lost. Utopia is an integral part, a bifurcation state of the ideal as a possible ideal. The ideal is understood as a kind of attractor and only in line with the value-positive, practically transformative potential. Embodied to one degree or another by a person, the ideal is objectified in reality, and the unembodied remains a utopia.

Adaptation of pupils and students to modern requirements of self-didactics

A. V. Govorushenko, L. N. Kretova, I. V. Yakovleva
Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: adaptation, self-education, self-didactics, needs, motivation, values, pupils, students, teachers, educational process

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Introduction. The transition from secondary to higher education is not a natural step for many first-year university students. There is a significant difference between studying at school, university or college. The main task of a higher or specialized educational institution is to train competitive specialists who are able to adapt to the requirements of the employer and are ready to adequately respond to the unpredictable challenges of the time and the needs of society. The purpose of the study is to detect problematic circumstances in modern educational requirements for the development of methodology in self-education/self-teaching; to identify the causes of socio-educational maladaptation. Methodology. Review of domestic and foreign publications on the problems of adaptation to the requirements of self-education of pupils and students. Using the methodology of humanitarian expertise of questionnaires on a sample of students/pupils and teachers/teachers on self-didactics. The study revealed the difficulties of adaptation to the process of self-education at school, college and university, and also considered the possibilities of overcoming them. Discussion. The problem of adaptation of pupils and students in domestic and foreign scientific and pedagogical publications draws attention to the lack of a clear understanding by teachers of the processes of self-education/self-teaching. A working definition of the concept of “self-didacticsˮ has been developed. The analysis of the humanitarian expertise of the questionnaires revealed a low degree of adaptation to the requirements of self-didactics in school, special educational institution and university. The ability to change and adapt in a professional or social environment is associated with the development by teachers of the methodology of self-teaching for students and students. In conclusion, it is concluded that the modern axiosystem of the educational space is increasingly dominated by the phenomenon of “self-didacticsˮ, which requires the ontology and axiology of education to develop new humanitarian and educational strategies.

State-patriotic education of law enforcement officers and special services of Russia in pedagogical axiology

T. I. Aliyev
Admiral F. F. Ushakov State Maritime University, Novorossiysk, Russia
Keywords: axiological approach, axiology, patriotism, patriotic activity, patriotic values, patriotic ideal, patriotic education, principles of patriotic education, law enforcement agencies of the special services of Russia

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Introduction. The article actualizes the problem of the manifestation of universal, national (all-Russian) state and service-professional values, which guarantee responsibility and the development of patriotism in the process of fulfilling multifunctional duties in life and in the service of each law enforcement and special services officer in Russia. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the conceptual provisions of the problem of state-patriotic education of law enforcement officers and Special Forces of Russia, to identify key groups of values and value orientations, to highlight the main principles of educational activities, to determine the methods and forms of purposeful and systematic educational work. Methodology. The study was carried out because of the implementation of the axiomatic approach, which serves as a methodological basis for the formation of the national-patriotic worldview of law enforcement and special services of the Russian Federation. Based on the foundations of axiological pedagogy, the main conceptual provisions and ideas of state-patriotic education are considered. The effective application of the provisions of pedagogical axiology to state education and patriotic activity requires the creative application of the structural components of state patriotism by the leadership and employees of law enforcement agencies and Special Forces of Russia: knowledge, motivation, values, positive and behavioral training. Discussion. The author substantiates a set of values that embody moral and patriotic ideals and serve as standards of decency and patriotism for young people, conditionally classified as fundamental values (Motherland, Fatherland, patriotism, loyalty, culture, language, history, traditions, faith) and professional values. The mechanisms for the implementation of state-patriotic education are considered: goals, categories of social values of employees (including the dominance of patriotism), principles (science, humanism, consistency, priority, continuity, an integrated approach, positive action, and a differentiated approach), forms, methods (training and upbringing). Conclusion. The presented results of the study are of significant importance for law enforcement agencies and special services in the framework of ongoing organizational and staffing reforms.

Teaching mathematics: epistemological analysis of problems

L. B. Vertgeim1,2
1Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
2Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: teaching mathematics, purpose, meaning, motivation, epistemology of education, theory of cognition

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Introduction. The task of Russia’s achieving technological sovereignty is connected with the necessity of training of mathematically educated scientists and engineers. This paper is intended to contribute to the discussion of ways to correct the situation with mathematical education. The thesis is emphasized that a simple return to the ideas and methods of mathematical education in the USSR will not solve the problem, since the tasks of mathematics, the areas of its applications have changed, social and cultural values have changed, students and their teachers have changed. All this requires discussion of some ideas regarding the dynamics of the movement of mathematical knowledge. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the current state of mathematics teaching in schools and universities, to identify the problems of modern education and outline the prospects for their solution. Methodology. The need to expand the context of the topic under discussion required access to general philosophical questions about the universal mechanisms and patterns of human cognitive activity within the epistemological approach to understanding mathematics, regardless of its specific forms and types. For this purpose, the methods of historical and comparative analysis are used in the study of scientific and methodological literature. Discussion. From the point of view of the epistemological approach, the issues of constructive expansion of knowledge about mathematical education and the connection of its characteristic features with the ontology of social cognition are revealed. The role and significance of the “human dimension of mathematical materialˮ are revealed. Conclusion. Recognizing the epistemology of education as a methodological regulator in the development of algorithms for evidence-based reasoning and the desire to revive, spiritualize the “dryˮ mathematical reality, the necessary provisions have been developed for the constructive expansion of knowledge about mathematical education in connection with the ontology of social and individual cognition.