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Scientific journal “Vestnik NSUEM”

2021 year, number 4


Yu.G. Odegov, M.N. Kulapov, P.A. Karasev, A.R. Tikhonov
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow, Russian Federation
Keywords: youth policy, labor force, youth, talent, forms of work with young talents, generation, generation theory


In the last decade of the XXth century, Russian employers began to experience difficulties with the selection of qualified personnel. The current situation was due to a structural imbalance between the supply and demand of labor and a general decline in the level of skilled personnel employed in industry. Over the years of reforms associated with the transition to market relations, the Russian industry has lost a significant number of production personnel, including people with the highest qualifications. The acute shortage, and sometimes the staff shortage, which many enterprises of the country are experiencing today are mainly of a structural nature, since the country uses technologies of different technological modes, and resource constraints on economic development from the supply of labor and its quality generations are poorly counted. According to various estimates, from 40 to 60 % of graduates of educational institutions do not work in their specialty and do not stay in the first place of work for a long period. Most leave after six months or a year. But the economy is changing rapidly. It is becoming innovative, high-tech and digital. The noted processes lead to the growth of the importance of the human factor and increase the requirements for people who enter the economy and must move it forward. For this, among other conditions, it is necessary to advance training of young personnel in the framework of newly emerging professions and even to «run ahead» somewhat in this matter. Since one of the main problems of Russian professional education today is the quality of training of specialists and qualified personnel, mastering a set of skills, characteristic of newly emerging professions and industries. The main trends against which the formation of today’s 6-14-year-old generation will take place are the subject of this article. The fourth industrial revolution is closely related to the latest technological advances - digitalization, robotization, the creation of artificial intelligence, etc., which in the short term will lead to the following: - about half of all existing professions will die out in the next decade; a huge mass of people will be without work, as the world will enter an era of high technological unemployment; the rate of technological change will be so high that workers physically do not keep up with retraining for new specialties, continuously replenishing the army of the unemployed. As a result of these transformations, not only the level, but also the structure of labor demand is changing - some professions become obsolete, others are replenished. J. Schumpeter said that the process of industrial mutation continuously reconstructs the economic structure from the inside, destroying the old and creating a new one.