2014 year, number 2
T.N. Yatsenko-Stepanova, M.E. Ignatenko, N.V. Nemtseva
Institute for Cellular and Intracellular Symbiosis, UrB RAS, 460000, Orenburg, Pionerskaya str., 11 yacenkostn@gmail.com
Keywords: альгофлора, соленые водоемы, эколого-географический анализ, Algae, saline water bodies, ecological and geographical analysis
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The results of algal flora study in different-type water bodies in Saline Tuzlukkol Hole were presented. 175 species, varieties and forms from 5 divisions (Cyanoprokaryota - 10, Bacillariophyta - 126, Chlorophyta - 31, Euglenophyta - 6, Cryptophyta - 2) were revealed. The ecological and geographical analysis of the algal flora was performed. New taxa of algal flora for Orenburg region were found out.
T.V. Makryi
Central Siberian Botanical Garden, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Zolotodolinskaya str., 101 makry@nsu.ru
Keywords: лишайники, Collema ryssoleum, C. pulcellum var. pulcellum, f. isidiosum f. nov, C. nigrescens, C. subnigrescens, Сибирь, Дальний Восток, Россия, lichens, Collema ryssoleum, C. pulcellum var. pulcellum, f. isidiosum f. nov, C. nigrescens, C. subnigrescens, Siberia, Far East, Russia
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The descriptions and localities in Baikal Siberia of two lichen species Collema pulcellum Ach. var. pulcellum and C. ryssoleum (Tuck.) A. Schneid. are provided. A new form C. pulcellum var. pulcellum f. isidiosum Makryi, f. nov. is described. It has been established that literary data about distribution of C. nigrescens (Huds.) DC. and C. subni grescens Degel. in south part of East Siberia and Russian Far East are erroneous. In fact, being widespread species in these regions is C. pulcellum var. pulcellum , while C. nigrescens and C. subnigrescens das not occur at all. Expressed the view that the volume of species C. pulcellum s. l. sensu G. Degelius is too large and poorly correlated with the volumes of other Collema species of Nigrescens -group. Taking into account the signifi cant differences in the morphological and anatomical structure of thalli, shape and size of spores, and character of areas, it would be correct to consider all three varieties (var. pulcellum , var. subnigrescens (Müll. Arg.) Degel., and var. leucopeplum (Tuck.) Degel.) as separate species, as they have been described.
G.S. Taran1, E.V. Romanova2
1West-Siberian Branch of V.N. Sukachev Institute of Forest, SB RAS, 630082, Novosibirsk, Zhukovskogo str., 100/1 gtaran@mail.ru 2Central Siberian Botanical Garden SB RAS, 630090, Novosibirsk, Zolotodolinskaya str., 101 svirko_e@mail.ru
Keywords: лишайники, пойменные леса, тополевые леса, ветловые леса, река Обь, лесостепная зона, Западная Сибирь, lichens, alluvial forests, poplar forests, willow forests, Ob River, forest-steppe zone, Western Siberia
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Alluvial forests of the upper Ob River were studied in central part of the forest-steppe zone of Western Siberia, Kamensky district of the Altai Territory, 53°40′50″ N, 81°57′30″E. In these forests, 49 epiphytic lichens were revealed, including 26 species in willow ( Salix alba ) forest and 47 species in poplar ( Populus nigra , P. alba ) ones. 30 species on willow and 45 ones on poplars were noted.
O.Yu. Pisarenko
Central Siberian Botanical Garden, SB RAS, 630090, Novosibirsk, Zolotodolinskaya str., 101 o_pisarenko@mail.ru
Keywords: тайга, темнохвойные леса, мхи, бриофлора, Западная Сибирь, taiga, dark coniferous forest, mosses, bryofl ora, West Siberia
Abstract >>
Characteristics of moss species composition and occurrence in zonal dark coniferous forests West Siberian middle and south taiga subzones are given. 64 moss species are listed in sum.
A.V. Vaganov1, A.P. Shalimov1, D.N. Shaulo2
1Altai State University, 656049, Barnaul, Lenina str., 61 bot@asu.ru 2Central Siberian Botanical Garden, SB RAS, 630090, Novosibirsk, Zolotodolinskaya str., 101 dshaulo@yandex.ru
Keywords: подсемейство Pteridoideae, семейство Pteridaceae, Pteris, Jamesonia, Taenitis, морфология спор, сканирующая электронная микроскопия (СЭМ), subfamily Pteridoideae, family Pteridaceae, Pteris, Jamesonia, Taenitis, morphology of the spores, scanning electronic microscopy (SEM)
Abstract >>
The method of scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) carries out relative research of ten representatives of subfamily Pteridoideae C. Chr. ex Crabbe, Jermy et Mickel family Pteridaceae E.D.M. Kirchn.: Jamesonia auriculata A.F. Tryon, Pteris aspericaulis Wallich ex J. Agardh, P. biaurita L., P. tenera Kaulf., P. umbrosa R. Br., Taenitis blechnoides (Willd.) Sw. As a result, morphological descriptions revealed signs that would reveal the ownership of the studied species to one subfamily - Pteridoideae .
A.S. Prokopyev
Siberian Botanical Garden of the Tomsk State University, 634050, Tomsk, Lenina str., 36 rareplants@list.ru
Keywords: Crassulaceae, Sedum aizoon, юг Томской области, онтогенетические состояния, морфологические особенности, Crassulaceae, Sedum aizoon, the south of the Tomsk region, the age states, the morphological features
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In the work are presented studies of the ontogeny of the Sedum aizoon in the south of the Tomsk region. Morphometric parameters of the different developmental states are given. In the ontogeny of species have been allocated 4 periods and 10 age states. Propagation is by seeds.
I.A. Artemov
Central Siberian Botanical Garden, SB RAS, 630090, Novosibirsk, Zolotodolinskaya str., 101 Artemov_1@mail.ru
Keywords: конспект флоры, горный массив, Монгун-Тайга, Республика Тыва, list of plant species, mountain massif, Mongun-Taiga, Tuva Republic
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A synopsis of 653 vascular plant species and subspecies of Mongun-Taiga mountain massif (Southwest Tuva) is compiled. The breaf taxonomical analysis of the flora is carried out.
N.B. Ermakov
Central Siberian Botanical Garden, SB RAS, 630090, Novosibirsk, Zolotodolinskaya str., 101 brunnera@mail.ru
Keywords: бореальные леса, классификация, метод Браун-Бланке, Западный Саян, Сибирь, boreal forests, classification, Braun-Blanquet method, Western Sayan, Siberia
Abstract >>
Classification of zonal boreal forests in the Bolshoy On River basin (Western Sayan) was performed. Two associations ( Larici sibiricae-Abietetum sibiricae ass. nova hoc loco и Carici iljinii-Pinetum sibiricae ass. nova hoc loco) and two non-rank communities included in the class Vaccinio-Piceetea Br.-Bl. in Br-Bl., Siss. et Vlieger 1939 were described. The altitudinal spectrum of forest communities of the studies area is represented by two geographical boreal forests types - Urals-Siberian and Eastern Siberian. It indicates that boreal vegetation of the Bolshoy On River basin keeps transitional ecological features between ultra-humid cyclonic and moderately humid anti-cyclonic bioclimatic sectors. Importance of floristic features of boreal forests and results of syntaxonomic analysis for defi nition of bioclimatic subdivisions in the Altai-Sayanian mountain region is discussed.
E.P. Khramova1, E.V. Andysheva2
1Central Siberian Botanical Garden, SB RAS, 630090, Novosibirsk, Zolotodolinskaya str., 101 khramova@ngs.ru 2Amur Branch of Botanical Garden - Institute FEB RAS, 675000, Amur Region, Blagoveschensk, High Road Ignatievsk 2 ed km lenk-luchik@mail.ru
Keywords: Pentaphylloides fruticosa, P. davurica, P. mandshurica, Dasiphora gorovoii, фенольные соединения, Дальний Восток, Pentaphylloides fruticosa, P. davurica, P. mandshurica, Dasiphora gorovoii, phenolic compounds, Russian Far East
Abstract >>
Сomposition and content of phenolic compounds in the leaves of Pentaphylloides species from Russian Far East were studied. Each of Pentaphylloides species under study had its own phenolic profile: the greatest number of phenolic structure components was noted in P. mandshurica (25), the smallest one in Dasiphora gorovoii (19). Main glycosides of fl avonol types identifi ed: quercetin glycosides characterized P. fruticosa , P. davurica and D. gorovoii , glycosides rhamnetin - P. mandshurica . D. gorovoii is highlighted maximum content of phenolic compounds (total and by groups), P. davurica - by total-content of ellagic tannins. Specificity of species revealed content of quercetin, rhamnetin, quercitrin, astragalin.
V.V. Byalt, N.P. Vasiljev, L.V. Orlova, G.A. Firsov
Komarov Botanical Institute RAS, 197376, Saint-Petersburg, 2 Prof. Popov str. byalt66@mail.ru
Keywords: интродукция, адвентивные виды, Ленинградская область, Приозерский район, научноопытная станция “Отрадное”, introduction, alien species, Leningrad region, Priozersky district, Otradnoje Research Station
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Seventy three species of woody plants producing the self-sowing have been identified at the territory of Otradnoje Research Station of the Komarov Botanical Institute RAS (Priozersky district of Leningrad region). Twenty seven species may be potentially invasive - they have intruded into the natural phytocenoses. With the warming of the climate the amount of species producing the self-sowing arises and the percentage of invasive species in flora of the Karel Isthmus enlarges.
I.M. Krasnoborov, A.A. Krasnikov
Central Siberian Botanical Garden, SB RAS, 630090, Novosibirsk, Zolotodolinskaya str., 101 tarax@mail.ru
Keywords: хромосомные числа, флора Финляндии, chromosome numbers, flora of Finland
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Chromosome numbers (2 n ) of 23 species from 12 families of the flora of Finland are presented. Chromosome numbers for 9 species for the first time are given.
A.B. Gorbunov
Central Siberian Botanical Garden, SB RAS, 630090, Novosibirsk, Zolotodolinskaya str., 101 gab_2002ru@ngs.ru
B.B. Namzalov1, V.P. Sedelnikov2, S.A. Kholboeva1
1Buryat State University, 670000, Ulan-Ude, Smolin str., 24a namsalov@bsu.ru 2Central Siberian Botanical Garden, SB RAS, 630090, Novosibirsk, Zolotodolinskaja str., 101 botgard@ngs.ru
V.M. Doronkin
Central Siberian Botanical Garden, SB, RAS, 630090, Novosibirsk, Zolotodolinskaya str., 101 norbo@nga.ru
Keywords: вулканы, Камчатка, сосудистые растения, карты ареалов, volcanoes, Kamchatka, vascular plants
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299 species of vascular plants were revealed for the most often visited volcanoes of Kamchatka - the Avachinsky, Koryaksky, Mutnovsky. An optimum of their habitats are indicated. The history of flora investigation and characteristics of physic-geographic conditions are given. The areas as in Kamchatka and the whole Russian Far East of 88 species are shown on dotted maps. The book is richly illustrated with colour photos of plants and the landscapes.