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Flora and Vegetation of Asian Russia

2015 year, number 3


B.A. Adilov, T. Rakhimova, N.K. Rakhimova, A.M. Khalilov
Institute of Gene Pool of Plants and Animals, AS RUz, 100053, Tashkent, Bagishamol str., 232
Keywords: Artemisia, пастбища, сезонная урожайность, сырой протеин, сырая клетчатка, допустимые нагрузки, фактические нагрузки, Кукчатау, Центральный Кызылкум, Artemisia, pasture, seasonal yield, raw protein, raw cellulose, save load, real load, Kukchatau, Central Kyzylkum


The results of yield and nutritional value seasonal changes of the main Artemisia L . forage species in Central Kyzylkum’s pastures have been presented. Four pasture variety involving three Artemisia species - A. diffusa Krasch. ex Polyakov, A. turanica Krasch. and A. juncea Kar. et Kir under different soil conditions has been identifi ed. The maximum yield of Artemisia defined in ephemereta-artemisieta-calligonumeta pasture variety in sandy soils. The texture of stone-gravelly soil is prevents the trends of formation Artemisia’s phytomass. Biochemical composition of Artemisia species is rich in raw protein and its amount decreases from spring to autumn. The indicators exceeding from save load, leading to overgrazing Artemisia pastures has been established.