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Flora and Vegetation of Asian Russia

2020 year, number 3


V.A. Cheryomushkina1, K.A. Bobokalonov2
1Central Siberian Botanical Garden, SB RAS, 101, Zolotodolinskaya str., Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia
2Institute of Botany, Physiology and Plant Genetics, AS Republic Tajikistan, 27, Karamova str., Dushanbe, 734017, Tajikistan
Keywords: Ziziphora pamiroalaica, Lamiaceae, подушковидная жизненная форма, онтогенез, морфо генез, Таджикистан, Ziziphora pamiroalaica, Lamiaceae, cushion life form, ontogenesis, morphogenesis, Tajikistan


The ontomorphogenesis of Z. pamiroalaica (Lamiaceae) was studied in the conditions of the Western Pamir (Tajikistan). The ontogenesis of individuals is complex and consists of the ontogenesis of the seed individual and the partial ontogenesis of the particles. In ontogenesis of an individual, the following phases of morphogenesis change: primary shoot (p, j) - primary bush (im-g2) - clone (g3-ss). It is established that in the belt of cryophilic vegetation at an altitude of over 4000 m above sea level. m. a cushion life form is formed in the species. It is shown that the cushion structure is formed by two types of sympodially growing skeletal axes: orthotropic and plagiotropic. The nature of the death of shoots in the structure of the cushion corresponds to the death of shoots of the semi-wood type. The distinctive features of the ontomorphogenesis of individuals of the species were revealed: later (in the mature generative state) the formation of the cushion, the fragility of orthotropic branched skeletal axes, the death of the main root and the formation of a clone, the duration of ontogenesis up to 25-28 years.