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Flora and Vegetation of Asian Russia

2020 year, number 3


Yu.V. Naumenko
Central Siberian Botanical Garden SB RAS, 101, Zolotodolinskaya str., Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia
Keywords: водоросли, таксономический состав, минеральный источник, сапробность, Западная Сибирь, algae, taxonomic composition, mineral spring, saprobity, Western Siberia


For the first time, a mineral spring was investigated in the Novosibirsk region, located in the spurs of the Salair ridge (Western Siberia). The material for this article is the results of processing 25 algological samples collected in July and October 2018. Deposits and films of algae were removed from the pebbles, concrete and iron gutters, carried out squeezing of mosses growing in the stream, and collected silt from the bottom. During the collection of the material, the temperature and pH of the water were measured. The algae was examined using a “Amplival” Carl Zeiss Jena light microscope when magnifi ed from 640 to 1600 times. The list of algae includes 58 species belonging to 30 genera, 19 families, and 4 divisions. It was found that the basis of algoflora is diatoms and green algae. The dominants of Meridion circulare and Diatoma mesodon were identified. An ecological and geographical analysis was carried out, according to which the algoflora is represented by benthic species, with a predominance of indifferent forms in relation to the halobicity and active reaction of the environment. The marked predominance of betamethasone and oligosaprobic. Cosmopolitans and boreal species dominated geographically.