2019 year, number 3
I.A. Gorbunova1, Yu.A. Rebriev2
1Central Siberian Botanical Garden, SB RAS, 630090, Novosibirsk, Zolotodolinskaya str., 101 fungi2304@gmail.com 2Institute of Arid Zones of the South Science Centere RAS, 344006, Rostov-on-Don, Chehova str., 41 rebriev@yandex.ru
Keywords: агарикоидные базидиомицеты, Disciseda hyalothrix, гастеромицеты, Inocybe sambucina, Tulostoma nanum, Республика Алтай, Россия, agaricoid basidiomycetes, Disciseda hyalothrix, gasteromycetes, Inocybe sambucina, Tulostoma nanum, Altai Republic, Russia
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In the article the data on three new species of gasteromycetes and on four new species of agaricoid basidiomycetes of the Altai Republic is presented. Inocybe sambucina , Disciseda hyalothrix and Tulostoma nanum are marked by low density of species occurrences in Russia. The article discusses the morphological features of some species, date about locations of species, the characteristics of their ecology, their distribution in Russia and worldwide.
Yu.V. Naumenko1, O.Yu. Gidora2
1Central Siberian Botanical Garden, SB RAS, 630090, Novosibirsk, Zolotodolinskaya str., 101 Naumenko55@ngs.ru 2Nizhnevartovsk State University, 628611, Nizhnevartovsk, Dzerzhinskogo str., 11 olesya_ptuhina@mail.ru
Keywords: желтозеленые водоросли, р. Сабун, природный парк “Сибирские Увалы”, Xanthophyta algae, Sabun River, natural park “Sibirskiye Uvaly”
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Data on Xanthophyta algae from reservoirs and watercourses of the Sabun River basin (West Siberia) were generalized and processed. At present there are 24 species, varieties and forms of algae in this division. Five species have been given for water objects of West Siberia for the first time. On the basis of original and literature data 28 species, varieties and forms of Xanthophyta algae were identified in the reservoirs and water courses of the natural park “Sibirskiye Uvaly”.
V.I. Troshkina
Central Siberian Botanical Garden, SB RAS, 630090, Novosibirsk, Zolotodolinskaya str., 101 vitroshkina@csbg.nsc.ru
Keywords: Geranium, Geraniaceae, Алтайская горная страна, ключ, конспект, типификация, Geranium, Geraniaceae, Altai mountain country, key, synopsis, typifi cation
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The system and synopsis of species of the genus Geranium , common in the Altai mountain country are given. Th e synopsis includes 21 species and 1 subspecies. The growth of 5 species ( G. rectum , G. saxatile , G. rotundifolium , G. schrenkianum , G. divaricatum ) and 1 subspecies ( G. transbaicalicum subsp. turczaninovii ) is confirmed in this area. Two new subsections - Albifl ora and Pseudosibirica - are described. Original keys to identify sections and species are composed. Nomenclature citation, data on typical samples, preferred habitats, regional distribution and general distribution are given for each species. Areas of most species are refi ned.
I.N. Shekhovtsova
Central Siberian Botanical Garden, SB RAS, 630090, Novosibirsk, Zolotodolinskaya str., 101 maklakovain@mail.ru
Keywords: Umbelliferae, Cachrys sibirica, типовые образцы, типификация, Гербарий имени М.Г. Попова, Umbelliferae, Cachrys sibirica, type specimens, typification, M.G. Popov Herbarium, Umbelliferae, Cachrys sibirica, type specimens, typification, M.G. Popov Herbarium
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In this paper we present a list of type specimens of 8 taxa belonging to 6 genera of the Umbelliferae family that are stored in the M.G. Popov Herbarium in the Central Siberian Botanical Garden SB RAS (NSK). We list 11 type specimens, including 1 lectotype, 4 isolectotypes, 1 isotype, 4 syntypes and 1 epitype. Lectotype for name of Aegopodium alpestre Ledeb. var. latilobum Popov and epitype Dorema sabulosum Litv. were designated. Information about one holotypes, 7 isotypes, 4 lectotypes, 6 isolectotypes and 23 syntypes from Herbarium C, E, H, K, M, P, GH, JE, KW, MO, MW, LE, NY, TK, S-G, DAO, LECB, WIS are cited.
S.V. Ovchinnikova1, M.R. Ganybaeva2
1Central Siberian Botanical Garden, SB RAS, 630090, Novosibirsk, Zolotodolinskaya str., 101 sv-ovchin@yandex.ru 2Institute of Biology of National Academy of Sciences, Kyrgyz Republic, 720071, Bishkek, Chui Ave., 265
Keywords: Boraginaceae, находки, новые местонахождения, ареал, Кыргызская Республика, Boraginaceae, new records, new localities, geographical distribution, Kyrgyz Republic
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The species composition of family Boraginaceae in the flora of Kyrgyz Republic was specified as a result of a critical study of the Herbarium collections of LE, MW, FRU, AA, TAD, TASH, NSK, NS, TK, ALTB and published data. Species Eritrichium subjacquemontii Popov, Lappula duplicicarpa Pavlov, L. heteracantha (Ledeb.) Guerke, L. redowskii (Hornem.) Greene are identified for the first time in the fl ora of Kyrgyzstan. New locations of eight species from genera Eritrichium Schrad. ex Gaudin, Lappula Gilib., Lepechiniella Popov for phyto-geographical areas of Kyrgyzstan are given according to phyto-geographical dividing, adopted in the “Cadastre of Flora of Kyrgyzstan”, for two species herbarium samples are cited for the first time, the ranges of rare and relict species are specified. For each species, reference is made to the primary description and the main publications on the fl ora of Kyrgyzstan and adjacent territories, the original label of the new locations is cited, indicating the area and a reference to the storage location, general distribution information is given, diagnostic signs are discussed, and information on typical samples is cited.
A.A. Guseva, V.A. Cheryomushkina
Central Siberian Botanical Garden, SB RAS, 630090, Novosibirsk, Zolotodolinskaya str., 101 guseva.sc@list.ru
Keywords: Scutellaria sieversii, жизненная форма, онтоморфогенез, фаза морфогенеза, ценопопуляция, Scutellaria sieversii, life form, ontomorphogenesis, morphogenesis phase, coenopopulation
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The life form of Scutellaria sieversii in the conditions of the desert Chu-Ilyisk mountains was studied. Individuals develop as monocentric dwarf subshrubs. The structure of adult individuals is represented by plagiotropic, non-rooting composite bough axis, consisting of parts of system shoot formation. During development the individuals pass the following phases of morphogenesis: primal shoot (p-j) - primal bush (im-ss). Ontogenesis is simple, incomplete, characterized by rapid development in the pregenerative period, the longest life expectancy in the mature generative state, and rapid extinction in the postgenerative period, which leads to the absence of the senile state. The study of the ontogenetic structure of S. sieversii coenopopulation showed that self-regenerate of the population occurs only by seed. A centered type of spectrum is formed on the stony deserted slopes, which is determined by the peculiarities of the development of the species and the degree of mobility of the substrate.
O.V. Voloboeva, A.P. Laktionov
Astrakhan State University, 414000, Astrakhan, Tatishcheva str., 20a alaktionov@list.ru
Keywords: реликт, Eversmannia subspinosa, соляно-купольные возвышенности, эндемизм, Северный Устюрт, Северный Прикаспий, Прикаспийская низменность, гора Большое Богдо, relict, Eversmannia subspinosa, salt-domed hills, endemism, Northern Ustyurt, Northern Caspian, Cas pian lowland, Big Bogdo mountain
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The modern distribution of the relict species Eversmannia subspinosa (Fisch. ex DC.) B. Fedtsch. is characterized. The possible tertiary relics of the flora of salt-dome hills of the Northern Caspian as a part of the floristic suite of Eversmannia subspinosa of are given.
T.A. Kukushkina, I.E. Lobanova, G.I. Vysochina
Central Siberian Botanical Garden, SB RAS, 630090, Novosibirsk, Zolotodolinskaya str., 101 irevlob@ngs.ru
Keywords: Monarda fistulosa, флавонолы, катехины, танины, сапонины, каротиноиды, пектины, протопектины, Monarda fi stulosa, flavonols, catechins, tannins, saponins, carotenoids, pectins, protopectins
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Phytochemical characteristic of an elevated part of plants Monarda fi stulosa L. which is grown up in the conditions of a forest-steppe zone of Western Siberia during the vegetative period is presented. Results of studying of content and dynamic some groups of phenolic cоmpounds (flavonoids and tannins), terpenoid cоmpounds (saponins and carotenoids) and polysacharides (pectinaceous substances - pectins and protopectins) are shown. It is recommended to use an elevated part of a bee balm as medicinal raw materials of versatile action.
E.P. Khramova1, O.V. Chankina2, S.Ya. Syeva3, V.A. Kostikova1
1Central Siberian Botanical Gardens, SB RAS, 630090, Novosibirsk, Zolotodolinskaya str., 101 khramova@ngs.ru 2Voevodsky Institute of Chemical Kinetics and Combustion, SB RAS, 630090, Novosibirsk, Institutskaya str., 3 3Gorno-Altay Research Institute of Agriculture - Branch of Federal Altai Scientific Centre of Agro-BioTechnologies, 649100, Altai Republic, Maima village, Katunskaya str., 2
Keywords: Dasiphora, Соmarum, Sibireae, Caragana, Myricaria, element composition, the Mountain Altai
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Reliable data on the contents of 20 elements in different organs of plants of seven species of the genus Dasiphora , Соmarum , Sibireae , Caragana and Myricaria were obtained for the first time. The highest accumulation of macro- and microelements is typical of the representatives of Caragana of the Fabaceae family. The lowest content was recorded in the stems of Sibireae and Dasiphora ( Rosaceae ), and Myricaria ( Tamaricaceae ). Trace in the stems of Co marum salesovianum is distinguished by an increased accumulation of compared with shrubs, with the exception of Caragana pygmaea subsp. altaica . The amount of elements in leaves and stems of plants - Br, Y, Mo, Nb, Zr, Ti, Rb, Co, Sr, Fe, Ni and V and additionally in stems Mn, Ca, Cr and As varies within a wide range ( С max/ C min > 5), Cr, As, Ca, Zn, Cu, K in leaves and Pb, Zn, K in stems - within a middle range (2.5 ≤ С max/ C min ≤ 5), in leaves of plants Pb, in stems Cu - within small (1.5 ≤ С max/ C min ≤ 2.5) and in leaves of plants Mn with very small ( С max/ C min ≤ 1.5) range.