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Contemporary Problems of Ecology

2021 year, number 3

Using information statistics to study the ecology of vegetation and dynamic processes of the EarthК№s vegetation cover

B. S. Petropavlovsky1, L. I. Varchenko2
1Botanical Garden-Institute FEB RAS, 690024, Vladivostok, Makovskiy str., 142
2Pacific Geographical Institute FEB RAS, 690014, Vladivostok, Radio str., 7
Keywords: vegetation cover, vegetation structure, vegetation productivity, diversity analysis method, environmental factors, dynamics of vegetation cover


The considered methods of ecological-geographical analysis of vegetation, indicated within the framework of the method of diversity, make it possible to identify the main botanical-geographical relationships, to determine the dynamic processes of vegetation. These methods can be used at different structural levels of vegetation - global, regional, landscape and even cenotic.