2020 year, number 6
a:2:{s:4:"TYPE";s:4:"HTML";s:4:"TEXT";s:119:"N. V. Oreshkova1,2,3, T. S. Sedel’nikova3, S. P. Efremov3, A. V. Pimenov2,3";}
1FRC KSC SB RAS, Krasnoyarsk, Russia 2Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia 3V. N. Sukachev Institute of Forest SB RAS, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
Keywords: microsatellites, genetic diversity, heterozygosity, Kuznetsk Alatau
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The DNA polymorphism of 7 coenopopulations of Siberian stone pine ( Pinus sibirica Du Tour), growing in the region which is typical for mountain taiga pine forests - the north-eastern part of the Kuznetsk Alatau, was studied. According to the data of 11 nuclear microsatellite loci, 44 allelic variants, which significantly differed between the studied cenopopulations in composition and frequency of occurrence were identified. The highest level of allelic diversity is found in the Ps_80612, Ps_1502048 loci, in which 8 and 7 alleles were detected, respectively. The calculation of the main parameters of genetic diversity showed, on the whole, a relatively low level of polymorphism of the studied samples ( NA = 3,078; NE = 1,877; HE = 0,445; HO = 0,401). An analysis of the degree of subdivision of cenopopulations revealed that about 95 % of the total genetic diversity is concentrated within populations, while the interpopulation component accounts for only about 5 % ( FST = 0,049). The diagnosed differences in the level of P. sibirica genetic polymorphism are determined by several factors: the presence of orographic and phytocenotic barriers between the coenopopulations which defined the directions of seed propagation vectors along the watercourses of river basins that formed the Chulym river in the eastern sector of the Kuznetsk Alatau and Tom river in the western sector; a significant level of bioclimatic and environmental extremeness of habitats of coenopopulations in accordance with the height above sea level; anthropogenic pressure, including periodic deforestation and recreational impact on coenopopulations located near settlements. These factors, which have a significant microevolutionary component, determine the adaptation trends of cenopopulations of P. sibirica , morphological singularities and reproductive potential of trees and, ultimately, control their genetic polymorphism in the studied part of the Kuznetsk Alatau.
Yu. S. Ravkin1,2, V. G. Babenko3, M. S. Stishov4, V. V. Pronkevich5, M. I. Lyalina1
1Institute of Systematics and Ecology of Animals of SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia 2Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia 3Moscow City University, Moscow, Russia 4A. N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution of RAS, Moscow, Russia 5Institute of Water and Ecological Problems Far Eastern Branch of RAS, Khabarovsk, Russia
Keywords: bird, ornithocomplexes, cluster analysis, environmental factors, correlation
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Bird counts were carried out in 794 habitats over 59 years (in separate seasons) from 1960 to 2018. 71 bird watchers participated in the collection of material. Based on the results of bird counting, a hierarchical classification and structural similarity graph of ornithocomplexes in the Pacific part of Russia, including Wrangel Island, were compiled. The hierarchical classification contains 3 overtypes, 16 types and 17 subtypes of the bird assembllje. The similarity graph is built at the type level and is represented by seven series (trends), two of which relate to undeveloped land communities of mainly the North Pacific and Amuro-Sakhalin physiographic countries. One series consists of ornithocomplexes of residential and recreational territories, and four - of water-near-water communities (mainland and marine). The given characteristics of classification taxa contain information on the five most numerous bird species (leaders in abundance), their part in communities, assembllje density, as well as background species richness and prevailing abundance of avifauna types. The composition of taxa revealed 10 environmental factors and 32 natural and anthropogenic regimes that correlate with spatial heterogeneity of ornithocomplexes. The strength and generality of the variability of bird communities and their habitats was estimated.
S. E. Cherenkov
Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution of RAS, Moscow, Russia
Keywords: South Siberian mountains, Northern Altai, low-mountain mixed (Pinus-Betula) forests, Baikal Region, dark-coniferous taiga, forest-nesting birds (Passeriformes, Piciformes), nesting density, area of habitats, saturation of habitats, maximum density, carrying capacity of habitat
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In 2016 and 2017 from April to July the bird individual nesting home ranges were regularly mapped along the permanent census route (2.8 km) in the Altai low-mountain forest dominated by pine and birch. Based on the mapping results, for each bird species the nesting densities and average sizes of the bird individual nesting home range were estimated. Raster maps of spatial allocation (MSA) at the scale of the raster grid of 50 × 50 m were obtained for each species. The degree of spatial conservatism (DSC) for each local population was inferred from the pairwise comparisons of the specific MSAs obtained at the same area (28 hectares) in different years with the use of the Gamma rank correlation method. Dependence of the population habitat area on DSC was demonstrated earlier [Cherenkov, 2017]. The more habitat area is found, the less dependent the individual spatial allocation within a population is observed in the different years. Based on the specific habitat areas, average sizes of the individual nesting home range and nesting densities estimated, the maximum possible nesting density and habitat saturation are calculated for each species. The significant DSC estimates ( p < 0,05) were obtained for 15 species, their habitat areas and habitat saturation were found. The population status was inferred from the degree of habitat saturation. Average estimates of the degree of habitat saturation were close in migratory and non-migratory species (49 % and 45 %, respectively). The Altai birds wintering in Southeast Asia did not differ in the degree of habitat saturation from those wintering in Southern Europe and North Africa. A comparison of avifauna status of the Altai and Baikal regions revealed the substantial differences. Number of the most common migratory species nesting in Altai is almost twice higher than that nesting in the Baikal region. For these species, in Altai the average nesting density is four times higher and habitat saturation is twice higher than in the Baikal region. The latter difference evidences for the twice more intensive pressure of some factors limiting the population numbers of migratory species in the Baikal region compared to Altai. At the same time, there were no significant differences in ecological population status of the non-migratory species between these regions. Close estimates of the degree of habitat saturation in the non-migratory species in the Altai and Baikal regions support a suggestion that the integrate influence of factors limiting their population numbers is similar in both regions. Close estimates of the degree of habitat saturation and nesting density in the migratory and non-migratory Altai species show that neither of the two strategies of surviving gives a pronounced advantage. Difference between the Altai and Baikal regions in the degree of habitat saturation in the migratory species is seemingly determined by the different mortality levels in the wintering areas and on the routes of migrations.
V. S. Botalov1, L. G. Perevedentseva2, A. S. Shishigin2
1Perm State Agricultural and Technological University named after Academician D. N. Pryanishnikov, Perm, Russia 2Perm State University, Perm, Russia
Keywords: agaricoid basidiomycetes, spruce forest, monitoring, Perm Region, fungal ecology
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The results of 40-year monitoring of biota of agaricoid basidiomycetes in spruce forests (spruce spruce, acid spruce) in the subzone of the southern taiga of the Perm Territory are summed up. To date, 336 species and intraspecific taxa of agaricoid basidiomycetes belonging to 73 genera and 16 families have been found in spruce forests. The species of the families Tricholomataceae , Cortinariaceae and Russulaceae predominate, which is typical for the boreal zone of Eurasia. The largest number of species is found in the genera: Cortinarius (43 species), Mycena (39), Russula (25), and Lactarius (13), which is typical of the southern taiga subzone. It was noted that the species composition of agaricoid basidiomycetes changes with time to a greater extent (Jacquard’s coefficients ( J × 100): tame spruce forest, J = 44-50; acidic spruce forest J = 43-47) than the species composition of higher vascular plants ( J = 69-88). Many common features were revealed between the species composition of fungi of spruce forests ( J = 49). Over the entire period of observations in spruce forests, 16 species dominating in the number of basidiomas and 19-21 species dominating in the biomass of basidiomas were identified. As a result of the analysis of the ecological-trophic structure of the studied biogeocenoses, mycorrhiza forming agents predominate (37.4-43.5 %). The relationship between the diversity and productivity of agaricoid fungi with the main climatic indicators (May-September) was studied. It was found that an increase in the average monthly air temperature in August leads to a decrease in the number of xylotroph basidiomas in the spruce fir forest ( rs = -0.7) and the basidiom litter saprotrophs biomass in the spruce fir forest ( rs = -0.7). Heavy rainfall in August contributes to a reduction in the number of basidiomas of litter saprotrophs in the spruce fir forest ( rs = -0.7).
T. V. Makryi1, I. F. Skirina2
1Central Siberian Botanical Garden of SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia 2Pacific Institute of Geography of FEB RAS, Vladidostok, Russia
Keywords: lichens, epiphytes, monsoon climate, oak and coniferous-broad-leaved forests, Primorsky Territory, Jewish Autonomous Region
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The environmentally related patterns of occurrence of 14 species of collemiform lichens ( Collema s. l. sensu Degel.: C. ( Rostania ) callibotrys var. callibotrys Tuck., C. complanatum Hue, С. ( Enchylium ) conglomeratum var. conglomeratum Hoffm., C. ( Arctomia ) fasciculare var. fasciculare (L.) Weber ex F. H. Wigg., C. japonicum (Müll. Arg.) Hue, C. leptaleum var. leptaleum Tuck., С. ( Enchylium ) ligerinum (Hy) Harm., C. nepalense Degel., C. pulcellum var. pulcelllum Ach., С. ( Enchylium ) pycnocarpum Nyl. (= C. conglomeratum var . crassiusculum (Malme) Degel.), C. shiroumanum var. shiroumanum Räsänen, C. subconveniens Nyl., C. subflaccidum Degel., C. substipitatum var. substipitatum Zahlbr.) on trunks of various tree species in different types of forests, as well as their distribution in the south of the Russian Far East, have been analyzed. It was established that the greatest diversity of the species of collemiform lichens (10 and 9) was registered on the oak ( Quercus mongolica Fisch. ex Ledeb.) and the linden ( Tilia mandshurica Rupr. et Maxim., T. amerensis Rupr.), while the lowest diversity was found on deciduous trees with smooth thin bark. The oak-broad-leaved and coniferous-broad-leaved (with Pinus koraiensis Siebold et Zucc.) forests are best suited to the ecological needs of the collemiform lichens; in these forests, 8 and 11 species, respectively, have been registered. The three most thermophilic oceanic species, C. complanatum , C. japonicum , and C. subconveniens , have been found only on the coast of the Sea of Japan in the narrow zone of direct influence of the monsoon climate.
E. A. Borovikova1,2, J. V. Kodukhova1, A. V. Semenova3
1Papanin Institute for Biology of Inland Waters of RAS, Borok, Russia 2Institute of Biophysics Siberian Branch of RAS, Krasnoyarsk, Russia 3Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
Keywords: coregonid fish, craniological features, anadromous form, lacustrine form, plasticity, allometry, species status
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Skull features variability was investigated for anadromous and lacustrine forms of whitefish Coregonus lavaretus (Linnaeus, 1758) from waterbodies of the Karelsky Coast of White Sea. Significant phenotypic plasticity depending on the environmental conditions was revealed for craniological parameters of the whitefish. Moreover, a correlation between indexes of the craniological traits (except for index of the length of the snout) and the length of the body and/or the length of the head was identified (allometric effect). The results obtained suggest unreasonable separation of anadromous and lacustrine forms of C. lavaretus in distinct taxonomical units and refute the species validity of C. pidschian and C. oxyrinchus .
I. V. Bashinskiy1, T. G. Stoyko2, V. A. Senkevich2, A. O. Svinin3, E. A. Katsman1, V. V. Osipov4,5
1A. N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution of RAS, Moscow, Russia 2Penza State University, Penza, Russia 3Mari State University, Yoshkar-Ola,Russia 4The State Nature Reserve Privolzhskaya Lesostep, Penza,Russia 5Saratov branch of VNIRO, Saratov, Russia
Keywords: mollusks, envirmental factors, oxbow lakes, forest-steppe
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The structure and dynamic of mollusk communities, as well as environmental factors influencing them, were analysed under conditions of small oxbow lakes in the forest-steppe zone (a case of the Khoper river valley, Penza region). 19 species of mollusks were found in the studied water bodies. The oxbows were characterized by relatively low alpha-diversity (number of species 4 ± 2) with relatively high beta-diversity (Jacquard index 0.26 ± 0.18), which is typical for floodplain ecosystems. Lake communities was dominated by Planorbis planorbis (40 %), Lymnaea stagnalis (15 %), Anisus spirorbis (14 %), Lymnaea saridalensis (9 %), Anisus vortex (8 %). The results of our analysis showed that the group of factors that determined the type of water body (stability, light intencity, water temperature, oxygen concentrations) had the greatest impact on the structure of malacocenoses. The seasonal dynamics of mollusk communities was determined by the number of adjoining water bodies, water temperature, and dissolved oxygen concentrations. The number of adjoining oxbows influenced species diversity the most, as well as the total number and biomass - isolation was more favorable for mollusk communities. The factors influencing the highest number of mollusks species (seven) were the light intencity and the presence of fish. Other significant factors were the stability of lakes (five species of mollusks), the number of oxbows and the transparency of the water (four species). Aquatic vegetation positively correlated with only one species - Anisus vortex . Our data suggest that the presence of fish could influence the abundance of Lymnaea saridalensis . The mollusks themselves, apparently, had a positive effect on the number of leeches in water bodies. The most sensitive to the factors were Lymnaea stagnalis , Lymnaea saridalensis , Aplexa turrita , Anisus spirorbis and Anisus leucostoma , the most tolerant were Bathyomphalus crassus , Anisus vortex , Planorbis planorbis , Planorbarius corneus.
D. Yu. Rogozin1,2, A. O. Bulkhin1,2, V. V. Zykov1, E. A. Ivanova2, A. V. Darin3, I. A. Kalugin3, O. A. Baturina4, M. R. Kabilov4
1Institute of Biophysics of SB RAS, Krasnoyarsk, Russia 2Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia 3Sobolev Institute of Geology and Mineralogy of SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia 4Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine of SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: long chain alkenones, haptophyte algae, meromictic lakes, water level, climate, paleo-limnological reconstruction, 18S rDNA
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Long chain alkenones are temperature-sensitive and in some cases salinity-sensitive lipids with great potential for reconstruction of past climate because they are well preserved in sediments for a long time. These lipids are produced only by some species of Haptophyta algae. The chain length and degree of unsaturation of alkenones vary depending on environmental conditions such as temperature and salinity. We examined for the first time the sediments of saline meromictic lakes Shira and Uchum located in arid steppes of North-Minusinsk Depression (southern Siberia) for long-chain alkenones. We found the uneven vertical distributions of C37-C40 alkenones with different unsaturation indices on the sediments of both lakes. In hypolimnion of Lake Uchum the highly abundant population of the haptophytes of the order Isochrysidales was detected both by 18SrDNA deep sequencing and microscopy. The haptophyte species and composition of alkenones were similar to saline stratified lakes of northern Great Plains of North America (Sasketchewan, Canada) with similar climate and dissolved ion composition of the lakes water. The relative abundance of the C37:4 alkenone in the sediments of lakes Shira and Uchum have been changing in accordance with the water-level and salinity changes documented for the recent ca. 100 years. Therefore, we have shown that long-chain alkenones can be used as a proxy of the climate-driven water-level changes in the saline lakes of southern Siberia.
N. Yu. Egorova
Professor Zhitkov Russian Research Institute of Game Management and Fur Farming, Kirov, Russia
Keywords: cowberry, coenopopulation, replacement index, recovery index, Kirov region, southern taiga
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Vaccinium vitis-idaeа L. is a widespread and dominant species of the boreal forests. It has an important ecological role as food source for human, many animal and birds species. The aim of this study was to determine ecological features, ontogenetic structure of V. vitis-idaea populations in forest ecosystems of the southern taiga (Kirov region, Russia). V. vitis-idaea is a gemyeurybiotic species which ecological space amplitude in Kirov Region does not exceed the limits of Tsyganov’s scales ecological range [1983]. Discomfort index calculated with phytoindication data allowed determining the level of favour. We have determined that conditions of swampy pine forest (CP 2, 5) with optimum ecological parameters for the species growth. The least favourable conditions for V. vitis-idaea development are formed in the herbaceous birch forests and green moss spruce forest (CP 4, 10) where maximum discomfort indices are marked: 1.08. All studied populations are normal and incomplete. Pre-generative individuals are stable and often dominate. Less constant are generative plants which are absent in some populations (CP 10). Dominating spectre type of the populations is bimodal. Index of substitution states that prospective populations prevail in the study, excluding population 3 which was unstable and ineffective in self-renewal. Delta-omega classification shows that young populations prevail in the study. The ecological conditions of the studied phytocoenoses affect the ontogenetic parameters of V. vitis-idaea plants. The quantity of the young generative age group depends on the soil moisture ( r = 0.76) and the soil moisture variability ( r = -0.68); pregenerative age groups depend on illumination ( r = 0.74). The significant effect on the age index replacement index, coefficient of vegetative self-support have such parameters as illumination.
I. N. Kurganova1, V. O. Lopes de Gerenyu1, N. A. Galibina2, E. A. Kapitsa3, E. V. Shorokhova2,3
1Institute of Physicochemical and Biological Problems of Soil Science of RAS, Pushchino, Russia 2Forest Research Institute of the Karelian Research Centre of RAS, Petrozavodsk, Russia 3Saint Petersburg State Forestry University named S. M. Kirov, St. Petersburg, Russia
Keywords: coarse woody debris, carbon dioxide emission, temperature coefficient, incubation experiment, chemical composition of bark
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In a temperate climate, temperature is a key abiotic factor controlling the decomposition of coarse wood debris, one of the components of which is the bark. Using the aspen bark (AB), we carried out a 12-month laboratory experiment at three contrasting temperatures (2, 12 and 22 °C) and constant sufficient moisture to quantify the effect of the temperature on the decomposition rate (DecR) and decay constant (k) of aspen bark. The temperature influence on the total loss of C-CO2 and changes in the chemical composition of AB during the entire experiment were also estimated. An increase in the incubation temperature from 2 to 12 °C and from 12 to 22 °C caused a similar increase in the average (over 12 months) value of DecR: Q10 values in these temperature intervals were 1.30 to 1.41, respectively. The most significant effect of temperature on the dynamics of DecR was revealed during the 1st and 2nd months of the experiment. The maximum losses of С-СО2 (284 ± 16 mg С g of bark-1 or 55.2 ± 3.2 % of the initial С content) were observed at 22 °C. The decay constants of AB calculated by the one-component exponential model increased significantly with the rising of incubation temperature: from 0.46 ± 0.01 year-1 at 2 °C to 1.02 ± 0.09 year-1 at 22 °C. Changes in the chemical composition of aspen bark due to the processes of biogenic decomposition included a significant reduction in alcohol-soluble organic compounds and cellulose to 18-32 % and 41-57 % of their initial amount, respectively. Lignin losses were much less and amounted to only 9-18 % of their content in AB before the incubation. The quantitative changes in the chemical composition of aspen bark were similar at 2 and 12 °C and less pronounced than at 22 °C. It may be explained by the growing activity of destructive organisms that are actively involved in the decomposition of the bark at 22 °C.