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Siberian Scientific Medical Journal

2020 year, number 4

Choosing the preferred method of primary unilateral inguinal hernia repair in men

Alexander S. Efremov, Yevgeny A. Rutkovsky
Novosibirsk National Research State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: паховая грыжа, ТАПП, пластика по Лихтенштейну, inguinal hernia, TAPP, Liechtenstein hernioplasty


More than 20 million inguinal hernia surgeries are performed annually. An international group of herniologists recommended performing transabdominal preperitoneal plastic surgery (TAPP), total extraperitoneal plastic surgery, and Liechtenstein hernioplasty in adults. At the moment, there are no criteria for choosing the method of plastic surgery in patients who may have TAPP, Liechtenstein hernioplasty. The study of two groups of 30 patients devided by the method of surgical treatment: transabdominal preperitoneal plastic (TAPP) and Liechtenstein hernioplasty has been carried out. The study included male patients with primary unilateral inguinal hernia older than 18 years. The groups were compared in the early and late postoperative period. The data obtained revealed that in the early postoperative period, patients after TAPP showed a higher level of pain by the visual-analog scale (VAS) in comparison with the patients after Liechtenstein plastic surgery in 3 hours after surgery, with longer operation time. The assessment of pain level by VAS in 1 day after surgery, at the time of discharge, the fever level, the analgesics need, and the hospitalization duration showed the TAPP advantage over Liechtenstein hernioplasty. Long-term results were obtained by Carolinas Comfort Scale (CSS) questionnaire within 3, 6 months after the operation. Patients after TAPP showed slightly better results in comparison with patients after Liechtenstein hernioplasty. Therefore, TAPP is the preferred method of inguinal canal surgery in patients with open and laparoscopic surgery.