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"Philosophy of Education"

2020 year, number 1


O. I. Barkova1, V. A. Vlasov2,3, A. A. Tamarovskaya4
1Law firm В«Crisis Management Group», Krasnoyarsk, Russia
2Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
3Siberian Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
4Krastsvetmet OJSC, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
Keywords: элитарная культура, массовая культура, культура общества потребления, ценность, дуальность, доход, интеллект, внешность, имидж, элитарная культура, массовая культура, культура общества потребления, ценность, дуальность, доход, интеллект, внешность, имидж, elite culture, mass culture, consumer society culture, value, duality, income, intelligence, appearance, image


Introduction. The problem of fostering art culture in post-socialist Russia is investigated. An attempt is made to answer the question why, in the information age, with the widest possibilities and enormous educational potential of the media, some people have a high culture, others master only the basics of mass culture, and still others are generally asocial. Methodology and methods of the research. There are two parallel motives in the strategy of fostering art culture: 1) Preservation of the person in the bosom of the traditional culture of the given people; 2) Training the person to achieve his/her own arbitrarily chosen goals. The primacy of high art over the mass art of the era of consumption is considered in the light of the contradictions of the teachings on the dualism of Descartes and Monism of Hegel, the ideas about the essence of the art of postmodernism by H. Ortega-i-Gaseta and G. Markuse. M. Lotman and B. A. Uspensky concluded that it is important for Russian culture to lack a neutral axiological sphere along with an idea of the duality of categories. The results of the research. Since it is customary to divide culture into intellectual and primitive, chamber and circulation, and more broadly into elitist and mass, it is important to consider such concepts as income, intelligence, appearance and image in their value duality. Conclusion. The idea is affirmed that the concepts of Mass Culture and the Culture of a consumer society must be separated. Anomalies in the development of the value dualism of modern culture are associated with the destruction of the mechanism of spiritual continuity of generations, a decrease in interest in domestic cultural traditions. All this leads to a distortion by the majority of Russian citizens of aesthetic perception, the foundations of cultural values. This type of anomaly is more characteristic of societies of «cultural outsiders» than of Russian society as a carrier of a traditionally high aesthetic heritage.