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Fundamental and applied issues of mining

2019 year, number 1


A. V. Azarov, S. V. Serdyukov, A. V. Patutin
Chinakal Institute of Mining, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: Гидравлический разрыв, горная выработка, моделирование роста трещины гидроразрыва, Hydraulic fracturing, mine opening, hydraulic fracture growth modeling


The behavior of a hydraulic fracture near the mine opening in a plane-parallel formulation has been investigated. The case was considered, when the rock was under hydrostatic pressure, and the initiating crack was oriented in the direction of mine opening. It is found that the fracture path is greatly influenced by the ratio of hydrostatic pressure and critical tensile stress of rock. It is shown that when the hydrostatic pressure increases with respect to critical tensile stress, the fracture begins to deviate from the mine opening earlier and does not reach its surface. It is also shown that under various conditions, fractures cannot bypass the mine opening completely due to the occurrence of severe strains in the area between the opening and fracture