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Combustion, Explosion and Shock Waves

2019 year, number 5

Detonation Propagation in Semi-Ring Charges of TATB by Flash Radiography

A. V. Erastov1,2, K. N. Panov1,2
1Institute of Experimental Physics, Sarov, 607190 Russia
2Institute of Experimental Gas Dynamics and Explosion Physics, Sarov, Russia
Keywords: взрывчатое вещество, ударная волна, детонация, рентгенография, инициирование, принцип Гюйгенса, explosive, shock wave, detonation, radiography, initiation, Huygens principle


Flash radiography was used to study the propagation of detonation in semi-ring charges of plasticized TATB with a steel shell inside when initiating normal detonation along a line on the outer surface of the charge. The shape of the detonation wave front at different times was determined. The shape of the front is found to be influenced by a layer of RDX based plastic explosive located on the surface of the main charge and having a detonation velocity ~10% higher than that of TATB. It is shown that the position and shape of the detonation wave front in a cylindrical TATB charge is not described by the laws of geometric optics (Huygens principle) due to the features of detonation initiation in the initial section and the presence of the steel shell.