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Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics

2019 year, number 6

Smog and smoke haze over Northern China Plain in June 2007

G.I. Gorchakov1, A.V. Karpov1, I.A. Gorchakova1, R.A. Gushchin1,2, O.I. Datsenko1,2
1A.M. Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
2Moscow Technological University, Moscow, Russia
Keywords: смог, дымная мгла, аэрозоль, тонкодисперсная фракция, грубодисперсная фракция, аэрозольная оптическая толщина, спектр ослабления, аппроксимация спектров ослабления, альбедо однократного рассеяния, аэрозольный радиационный форсинг, эффективность форсинга MODIS, AERONET, smog, smoke haze, aerosol, fine mode, coarse mode, aerosol optical depth, extinction spectrum, extinction spectrum approximation, single scattering albedo, aerosol radiative forcing, radiative forcing efficiency


Aerosol optical depth (AOD) spatial distribution for wavelength 550 nm over Northern China Plain (NCP) and adjacent areas for the smog in summer 2007 has derived on satellite monitoring (MODIS/Terra) data. Increased AOD areas determinated by anthropogenic air pollution regional sources in the neighbor of Beijing and Shanghai are revealed. Substantial increasing AOD on the south-west NCP was produced by the smoke haze which arose of an agricultural biomass burning. Optical and microphysical characteristic similarity of the aerosol in smoke haze over NCP and in smoke haze in Russia is revealed: (1) dominant contribution in the optical characteristics of the smoke aerosol gives a fine mode; (2) extinction spectra at wavelength 340-1020 nm are approximated (in logarithmic coordinates) by parabola or polynomial functions with four power. According to the monitoring data at AERONET station Beijing single scattering albedo in the summer smog over NCP (0.91) in average is less than in the smoke haze over Russia (0.95-0.96). It is shown that radiative regimes of the atmosphere are distinct substantially in the summer smog over NCP and in the smoke haze over Russia: aerosol radiative forcing efficiency on the top of the atmosphere in the smog is less approximately by 30 percent and on the bottom of the atmosphere is more by 30 percent that in the smoke haze.