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Journal of Mining Sciences

2019 year, number 2

Shuttle and Bench Flow Charts in Underground Mining of Thick Methane-Bearing Coal Seams

A. A. Ordin1,2, A. M. Timoshenko3, D. V. Bovenko3, A. A. Meshkov4, M. A. Volkov4
1Chinakal Institute of Mining, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia
2VostNII Research and Production Center, Kemerovo, Russia
3VostNII Science Center, Kemerovo, Russia
4SUEK-Kizbass, Leninsk-Kuznetsky, Russia
Keywords: шахта, угольный пласт, мощность, челноковая, уступная, технологические схемы, очистной комбайн, цикл, скорость подачи, производительность, скребковый конвейер, дебит и концентрация метана, Mine, coal seam, thickness, shuttle and bench flow charts, shearer, cycle, advance velocity, output, armored face conveyor, methane flow rate and concentration


The studies aimed to evaluate longwall productivity in the Talda-Zapad 1 Mine are carried out with regard to the technological parameters of the drum shearer and capacity of the armored face conveyor in mining thick methane-bearing coal seam. It is found that methane release reduces with increasing output of the shearer, and allowable longwall length and capacity by the gas criterion are determined. The length of longwall 6605 is optimized by the maximum annual profit of the mine.