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Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics

2018 year, number 4

Seiches in a Basin with an Open Entrance

V. A. Ivanov, Yu. V. Manilyuk, V. F. Sannikov
Marine Hydrophysical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Sevastopol, Russia, 299011
Keywords: сейши в бухте, свободные волны, длинные волны, волновые течения, бассейн с открытым входом, аналитические решения, мода Гельмгольца, бухты Севастополя, seiche in a bay, free waves, long waves, wave flows, basin with an open entrance, analytical solutions, Helmholtz's mode, Sevastopol bays


Two-dimensional seiche oscillations in a rectangular basin of constant depth with an open entrance are considered within the framework of the linear theory of long waves. An analytical solution is obtained for the case where a nodal level line is located at the entrance to the basin. It is shown that transverse seiches in a basin with an open entrance are two-dimensional in contrast to similar modes in a completely closed basin, which are one-dimensional. Calculation of seiche parameters is performed for model basins having dimensions and depth characteristic of a number of Sevastopol bays. Comparison of the results of the calculations are with the data of full-scale observations show that they are in satisfactory agreement.