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ECO journal (ECOnomics and industrial Engineering)

2018 year, number 5

Neoindustrial Import Substitution: Utopia or Non-Alternative Way for Russia?

S. A. Zhironkin, M. A. Gasanov, K. A. Kolotov
National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University
Keywords: неоиндустриализация, деиндустриализация, импортозависимость, импортозамещение, машиностроение, Кузбасс, Neo-industrialization, deindustrialization, import dependence, import substitution, engineering, Kuzbass


The article substantiates the need for Russian economy to enter the neo-industrial development path, the driver of which should be the import substitution. Its typology is examined and the role of the Government in ensuring the exit from institutional traps of neo-industrial import substitution is shown. On the example of the analysis of the basic industries import dependence problem in industrial region (Kemerovo region), recommendations are given for development of machine building as an industry whose import substitution can speed up Russian economy competitive manufacturing sector’s reconstruction on a new technological basis, relying on the potential of the mining complex.