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ECO journal (ECOnomics and industrial Engineering)

2018 year, number 3

Reforms in the Electric Power Industry of Russia in the Context of Energy Law Development

N.S. Simonov
Federal Grid Company (JSC В«FGC UES»)
Keywords: электроэнергетика, электроснабжение, энергетическое право, естественная монополия, рынок электроэнергии, Еlectric power industry, power supply, power law, the great public utilities, electric power market


The subject of research is the Genesis of the doctrine of electric power supply as one of the sources of energy law. It is proved that the attitude of society to a proprietary form of electricity and energy services is determined by specific historical conditions, and mainly technology generation and transmission of electricity. In the vast historical material with the use of a comparative analysis traces the process of the civil law understanding of the legal regime of electricity supply in the industrial development countries, Russian Empire, USSR and modern Russia. It is concluded that modern technologies, more than ever, contribute to the liberalization of the electric power industry and the creation of a market competition between electricity suppliers.