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ECO journal (ECOnomics and industrial Engineering)

2018 year, number 3

In Search of Lost Balance: Between State Regulation and Market Instability

A. V. Alekseev
Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering SB RAS
Keywords: экономический рост, производство промышленной продукции, инвестиции, модель экономического развития, денежное стимулирование, государственные программы развития, Еconomic growth, industrial output, investment, economic development model, monetary stimulation, state development programmes


The article characterizes the existing economic model of the Russian Federation development and proves that the attempts of its upgrade are a dead end. It proves the claim that the main objective of the middle-term development is making national economic system relatively independent of the world economy (regarding critical technologies) and capable to provide national sovereignty. We have come to the conclusion that the Russian economy needs strategic management intensification with the use of market mechanism potential as a counter to the excessive reliance on market methods with unsystematic elements of indicative planning, which can be seen nowadays.