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"Philosophy of Education"

2018 year, number 1


N. A. Kornienko
Novosibirsk State Agrarian University, Russia, 630039, Novosibirsk, st. Dobrolybova, 160
Keywords: мораль, нравственность, современное российское общество, нравственное состояние, молодежь, гражданская социализация и гражданская идентичность, уровни гражданской идентичности, ценностные ориентации, смысложизненные ориентации, патриотизм, патриотическое воспитание юных граждан, В«Бессмертный полкВ», переживание, выбор и трансляция ценностей, morality, morals, modern Russian society, moral condition, youth, civic socialization and civic identity, levels of civic identity, value orientations, meaning-related orientations, patriotism, patriotic education of young citizens, the Immortal Regiment, experience, choice and transfer of values


The article deals with the issue of the moral state of Russian society as the basis for the formation of civic identity at the present stage. The studies examined by the author demonstrate the negative state of morality and morals in modern Russia. Today's Russian reality is characterized by declining cultural level, moral degradation and criminalization of society, the erosion of values and social norms. This is manifested in different areas. The author singles out one of the urgent problems of the young sovereign state, i.e. the formation of a civic identity that is associated with the problems of the development and functioning of civil society. Particular attention is paid to the moral condition of modern Russian youth as the future of our country. The article provides a brief review of the research of the moral and psychological characteristics of modern students. It also describes and discusses the studies of the dynamics of the morals of schoolchildren in the city of Novosibirsk as well as the formation of their identity on a sample of 1000 respondents. The author has revealed the interrelation and mutual influence of civic identity and value orientations. The levels of civic identity are determined; the role of the moral value component in the formation of civic identity is demonstrated. Civic socialization is seen as the construction of an individual trajectory of man's entry into society. Differences in the definitions of the notion of civic identity in different approaches are shown. The correlation of the concepts of sociocultural, personal and civic identities is displayed. On the level of a person, civil identity is seen as a component of sociocultural identity and performs the functions of protection and self-determination. Thus, civic identity is proposed to be viewed as a complex integral personal entity, reflecting the relations between human being and society. At the same time, an important indicator of the formation of all components of the structure of civic identity is the mutual acceptance of the individual and society. In the conditions of undeveloped civil society and during the period of cardinal social transformations, culture becomes a synergetic structuring basis that helps to optimize the process of civic socialization and the formation of civic identity.