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Journal of Mining Sciences

2018 year, number 1

Effect of Geological and Geophysical Characteristics of Complex-Structure Ferruginous Quartzite Ore Bodies on the Surveying, Development and Blasting Performance

1Belgorod State University, ul. Pobedy 85, Belgorod, 308015 Russia
2Institute of Geosphere Dynamics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninskii pr. 38, Bld. 1, Moscow, 119334 Russia
Keywords: горные работы, направление отбойки, пространственное положение элементов массива, ось шарнира складки, ядро, крыло складки, антиклинальные, синклинальные складки, направление слоистости, угол падения, регулируемый грансостав, выход негабарита, mining, blasting direction, three-dimensional position, rock mass elements, fold hinge pin, core, shank, anticline, syncline, schistosity orientation, dip angle, controlled grain size composition, oversize yield


In terms of the complex-structure ferruginous quartzite ore body mining in the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly, the authors validate the requirement to account for anisotropy of rocks with a view to improving performance of preparatory and blasting operations, stabilizing grain size composition, reducing production of oversizes, saving energy input of milling, enhancing useful component extraction into concentrate and decreasing losses with regard to the sound subsoil management conditions. The effect of the first to third order anisotropy on the quality of blasting fragmentation of ferruginous quartzite is analyzed. The theoretical formulas to calculate radius of controlled fragmentation zone as function of geological and geophysical characteristics of rock mass are presented, and the practical results of blasting at open pit mines in the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly area are described.