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"Philosophy of Education"

2017 year, number 4


A. P. Kaitov, O. A. Popova
Moscow City Pedagogical University, 129226, Russia, Moscow, 2-Selskoxoziaistvennii proezd, 4
Keywords: дошкольный возраст, компетенция безопасности, представление о риске, политика детства, ответственные за компетенцию безопасности субъекты, родители, педагоги, управленцы сферы образования, когнитивный и волевой аспекты компетенции безопасности, управленцы-акторы, управленцы-фигуры, preschool age, safety competence, perception of risk, politics of childhood, people responsible for the safety competence of a subject, parents, teachers, managers of education, cognitive and volitional aspects of safety competence, managers-actors, managers-figures


The article is devoted to the health and safety of children of the preschool age. Special attention is paid to formation of skills of safe behavior in children of this age group. We emphasize the necessity for the formation of the skills that improve the level of protection of the child including those hazards that are difficult to predict and prevent by the adults. We identify the groups of adults with the greatest responsibility for the formation of these skills in children. These groups include the managers of education, teachers and parents. Special attention is given to the parents as a group that has the greatest potential for positive impact on children, including in the sphere of safety. There are two components in the skills of safe behavior in children: cognitive knowledge of safe behavior and a volitional one, the inner readiness and motivation to safe behavior. We identify the factors that are obstacles to the formation of the safety competence in children. The most visible and significant obstacles are the imprints which are easily adopted from adults as models of behavior and which carry hidden or apparent dangers for children. The imprints can be in conflict with those behaviors which adults consciously trying to teach children. The adult can teach children some forms of behavior, and he in his behavior use other forms, influencing the children by his example. The suppliers of the greatest number of imprints, forms of behavior unconsciously adopted from others, are parents. Therefore, it is the behavior of parents that influences to the greatest extent the success of building the safety competence. The performed analysis of the situation related to the formation of the safety competence in children of the preschool age allowed making the following conclusion. The success of the development of this competence to the greatest extent can be provided by the personnel in the field of education. The most valuable qualities of a manager are initiative, independent creative activity in the area of child safety.