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Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics

2017 year, number 3

Numerical Analysis of the Flow Pattern and Vortex Breakdown over a Pitching Delta wing at Supersonic Speeds

M. Hadidoolabi, H. Ansarian
Malek Ashtar University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: дельтовидное крыло, структура течения, сверхзвуковой поток, отрыв вихрей, delta wing, flow pattern, supersonic flow, vortex breakdown


A supersonic compressible flow over a 600 swept delta wing with a sharp leading edge undergoing pitching oscillations is computationally studied. Numerical simulations are performed by the finite volume method with the use of the k -w turbulence model for various Mach numbers and angles of attack. Variations of flow patterns in a crossflow plane, hysteresis loops associated with the vortex core location, and vortex breakdown positions during a pitching cycle are investigated. Trends for various Mach numbers, mean angles of attack, pitching amplitudes, and pitching frequencies are illustrated.