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Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics

2017 year, number 2

Filtration of Live Oil in the Presence of Phase Transitions in a Porous Medium with Inhomogeneous Permeability

R. F. Sharafutdinov, A. S. Bochkov, A. M. Sharipov, A. A. Sadretdinov
Bashkir State University, Ufa, 450000, Russia
Keywords: температура, эффект Джоуля -- Томсона, адиабатический эффект, радиально-угловая неоднородность распределения проницаемости, разгазирование, скважина, пласт, двухфазная фильтрация, temperature, Joule-Thomson effect, adiabatic effect, radial-angular nonuniformity of permeability distribution, degassing, well, reservoir, two-phase filtering


The radial angular temperature distribution in a porous medium with nonuniform permeability is investigated by numerical simulation of nonisothermal filtration of live oil taking into account the degassing heat, the Joule-Thomson effect, and the adiabatic effect. It is shown that nonuniform permeability in the wellbore zone of the porous layer leads to anomalous cooling due to intense degassing in the well-permeable zone.