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Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics

2016 year, number 5

The normalized temporal autocorrelation function of fluctuations of the scattered radiation of a focused laser beam (0.63 mm) in the surface atmosphere in rain, drizzle, fog, and haze

N.A. Vostretsov, A.F. Zhukov
V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, 1, Academician Zuev square, Tomsk, 634021, Russia
Keywords: временная автокорреляционная функция, время корреляции, фокусированный пучок, рассеянное излучение, дождь, морось, туман, дымка, temporal autocorrelation function, time of the correlation, focused beam, scattered radiation, rain, drizzle, fog, haze


Normalized temporal autocorrelation function of fluctuations of the scattered radiation of a focused laser beam (0.63 μm) in the surface atmosphere in precipitation (rain, drizzle), fog, and haze on a path with a length of 130 m is measured. It is found that the time correlation of the fluctuations of the scattered radiation of a focused laser beam in the rain, drizzle, fog, and haze decreases with increasing wind speed component noramal to the path at close atmospheric conditions (at close values of optical depth and particle size). The correlation time in drizzle is more than in the rain. The correlation time in haze is more than in the rain and drizzle. The correlation time in the fog is an order of magnitude or even more longer than in the rain.