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Advanced Search

Thermophysics and Aeromechanics

2015 year, number 3

Development and application of noninvasive technology for study of combustion in a combustion chamber of gas turbine engine

A.A. Inozemtsev1, A.N. Sazhenkov1, V.V. Tsatiashvili1, T.V. Abramchuk1, V.A. Shipigusev1, T.P. Andreeva2, A.R. Gumerov2, A.N. Ilyin2, and I.T. Gubaidullin2
1 Aviadvigatel OJSC, Perm, Russia
2 E-mail:;
Keywords: combustion chamber, combustion process, optical-electronic, optronic equipment, noninvasive, ultra-violet (UV), visible, infra-red (IR) bands
Pages: 359–369


The paper formulates the issue of development of experimental base with noninvasive optical-electronic tools for control of combustion in a combustion chamber of gas turbine engine. The design and specifications of a pilot sample of optronic system are explained; this noninvasive system was created in the framework of project of development of main critical technologies for designing of aviation gas turbine engine PD-14. The testbench run data are presented.