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Journal of Mining Sciences

2015 year, number 2

Dynamics of Positive-Displacement Hydropercussion Systems of Single-Sided Back Action

Chinakal Institute of Mining, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Krasnyi pr. 54, Novosibirsk, 630091 Russia
Keywords: percussion system, autooscillations, limit cycle, similarity criteria, characteristics


The article describes mathematical model of positive-displacement hydropercussion system of single-sided back action. The principal dynamic similarity criteria found are: the reduced ratio between areas of back-stroke chamber and gas chamber; the value proportional to the ratio between potential energy of accumulator and kinetic energy of hammer; the dimensionless lengths of back stroke and gas strut. Based on numerical calculations performed within a wide range of input parameters (similarity criteria), the author has plotted nomograms of isolines of the integral input characteristics and oscillograms of dynamic characteristics, which enables revealing basic mechanisms of behavior of the discussed system in the single-blow limit cycles. In the domain of practical significance parameters, the analytically estimated dimensionless pre-blow velocity should not be higher than 810 units.