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Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics

2012 year, number 12

The dynamics in vertical distribution of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere

M.Yu. Arshinov, B.D. Belan, D.K. Davydov, G.M. Krekov, A.V. Fofonov, S.V. Babchenko, G. Inoue, T. Machida, Sh. Maksutov, M. Sasakawa, K. Shimoyama
Keywords: атмосфера, воздух, вертикальный, оксид углерода, диоксид углерода, метан, озон, закись азота, модель, atmosphere, air, vertical, carbon oxide, carbon dioxide, methane, ozone, nitrous oxide, model


The analysis of vertical distribution of greenhouse gases is carried out according to measurements of authors and to references. Comparison of the received results with most frequently used models is carried out. It is shown, that models are substantially outdated and require a new development.