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The journal "Ateroskleroz"

2011 year, number 1


O.V. Gruzdeva, O.L. Barbarash, E.I. Palicheva, Y.A. Dyleva, V.V. Kashtalap, O.M. Polikutina, О.Е. Akbasheva
Keywords: myocardial infarction, free fatty acids, insulinoresistance
Pages: 19-25


To estimate dynamics of free fatty acids (FFA) and their relationship with markers of insulinoresistance, oxidized-modified low-density lipoprotein (omLDLP) and antibodies to them in patients with acute myocardial infarction.
79 patients with myocardial infarction (MI) with the rise of ST segment were surveyed. The first group was composed of patients without clinical signs of acute heart failure (I class AHF Killip), the second group was composed of patients with signs acute heart failure (II-IV class AHF Killip). The control group consisted of 33 individuals without cardiovascular diseases. A study was conducted in the 1st and the 12th day of the disease. Blood lipid spectrum was assessed using a standard test system manufactured by Thermo Fisher Sientific (Germany) on a biochemical Analyzer Konelab 30i. The content of omLDLP in serum and antibodies to them, insulin, C-peptide were assessed by immunoferment method using sets of firms Biomedica and BCM Diagnostics (Germany). Insulinoresistance was assessed using QUICKI (Quantitative Insulin Sensitivity Chek Index).
Aterogen dislipidemia was revealed in MI patients. In Group II-IV klass AHF Killip there was a more pronounced and prolonged increase in FFA, omLDLP and antibodies to them. The were also direct correlated relationships between levels of FFA and kreatinkinaze activity, between the content of FFA and glucose and these relationships were negative between FFA and QUICKI.
The development of clinical complications of myocardial infarction is accompanied by a marked rise in the level of free fatty acids, which reflects not only the damage to the myocardium, but also participates in the formation of insulinoresistance. Determination of FFA level can represent a great potential for risk stratification both of acute and recurrent coronary events and selecting the tactics of further treatment.