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Region: Economics and Sociology

2010 year, number 1

Patterns of consumption and patterns of distinction in the context of socially determined justifications for poverty and wealth

O.G. Yechevskaya
Keywords: urban poverty, people' understanding of poverty and wealth, consumption, social structure, moral appraisals
Pages: 129-148


The paper analyzes the consumption practices, which people attribute to markers of poverty and wealth, and the ways of how people build a system of social inequalities around such markers on the base of economic, social and moral criteria. We show that consumption proved to be not only the economic activity but mainly that of a social and appraisal character; and can state that the difference in systems of «alternative inequalities» relates to the fact that people usually address to their different justification registers, i.e. «regimes of fairness», which are based on their different basic values. How competently a person may apply such justification registers could be either the obstacle to or a source of recovering from poverty. These conclusions are illustrated by materials of the empiric study for the concrete region.