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"Philosophy of Education"

2009 year, number 1


E. A. Rekichinskaya
Keywords: intercultural communication, social phenomenon, pedagogical phenomenon, integration, national and international culture
Pages: 105-112


This article is devoted to a modern problem of intercultural communication whose urgency is determined by two opposite tendencies in the mutual relations between countries, ethnoses, and cultures; namely, integration whose essence is manifested in rapprochement and inter-penetration, and confrontation " locally and periodically making itself felt. The author considers intercultural communication as a complex phenomenon, being studied by many branches of humanitarian knowledge. There is given a review of necessary scientific views to reveal the essence of intercultural communication. In a brief review, the history of studying the phenomenon is shown. The author analyzes and compares different approaches to the concept of intercultural communication; and, in conclusion, presents her own vision of intercultural communication. In the article, the characteristic of the intercultural communication as a socio-pedagogical phenomenon is given.