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Contemporary Problems of Ecology

2005 year, number 6

Modern Priorities of Development of Monitoring of Boreal Ecosystems by the Data of Spacecraft Observations



The processes of global changes of climate and biosphere are tightly associated and manifest themselves maximally in the boreal zone of the planet, in particular in Eurasia. Spacecraft methods of remote observation of the Earth permit at present practising a regular monitoring of key characteristics of the state and the time course of changes of terrestrial geosystems necessary for a better estimation and understanding of mechanisms and forecast of future climatic and biospheric changes. In the paper, the priority trends of spacecraft monitoring of terrestrial ecosystems are analyzed, modern possibilities of its practical realization are considered on the basis of the currently used spacecraft instruments of the Earth observation and methods of analysis of data obtained with their help. The main possibilities of the system of monitoring the state and the time course of changes of terrestrial ecosystems now being created in Russia are presented which make it possible to obtain estimates of many important characteristics that reflect the structure of the vegetable cover, the scales of damage of vegetation by fires and forest felling, and regimes of use of agricultural lands in North Eurasia or the boreal zone of the planet.