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Contemporary Problems of Ecology

2002 year, number 3

Heavy Metals in Urban Soils



On the example of industrial cities of West Siberia, the peculiarities of technogenous polluytion of the soil cover by heavy metals are considered. The main of them are mosaicism and polymetallicity, wherein local priority contaminants may be chemical elements poorly studied in pedology and agrochemistry.  Th lack of information about the regional and local background amount of these elements in the objects of natural milieu, the absence of hygienic standards of their content in the soil and vegetable products, which is usual in such cases, do not let estimate more completely and correctly the ecological situation in the territory under study. The hygienical standards for the soils in this country do not take into account fully their buffer capacity with respect to heavy metals and ignore the protective capacity of plants, due to which it is possible to grow hygienically pure potatoes and vegetables also on "dangerously contaminated soils".