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Humanitarian sciences in Siberia

2007 year, number

The Engraving of Mammoth from Mal

Larichev, V.Ye.
Keywords: Siberia, Mal’ta, the Upper Paleolithic Epoch, the engraving of mammoth, symbolic records on it, deciphering of the system of lunar and solar time notation.

Abstract >>
This article of the astroarchaeological orientation is devoted to deciphering of the image of mammoth and symbolic text impressed upon the plate of mammoth tusk (approximately 24 000 years ago). The author succeeded in re-creating of the lost part of the symbolic records on the right end of the plate, in reconstructing of the system of lunar and solar time notation, as well as in determining of the New Year

The Xishuipo Burial Ground: the Neolithic Roots of the East Asian Cosmology.

Alkin, S.V.
Keywords: North China, the Xishuipo Burial Ground, the Neolithic Epoch, funeral rite, spiritual culture.
Pages: 7-12

Abstract >>
The article is devoted to the cult complex of the Neolithic Epoch at the archaeological Xishuipo Site in North China (the Honan Province). This cult complex consists of several solitary and collective burials executed according to the rite of the primary and secondary burials. The figural layings of river-molluscs shells representing depictions of mythical and real animals (tiger, dragon, fish, etc.) are the unique part of the funeral rite. These layings mark the sacral space in accordance with principles of natural philosophy of East Asia. The author

An Experience of Geographical and Religious Migration: Peculiarities of a Manuscript Collection (Article

Zolnikova, N.D.
Keywords: A.P. Perevalova, manuscripts, old believe literary tradition, migration.
Pages: 13-20

Abstract >>
The author continues the analysis of A.P. Perevalova

Siberian Memoirs of the Second Half of the XIX-th Century: Case, Versions, Authors

Matkhanova, N.P.
Keywords: Siberian memoirs, basic versions, Siberian memoirists.
Pages: 21-25

Abstract >>
In the article are presented the basic characteristics of the Siberian memoirs written in 1851

Books and Manuscripts Concerning Saint Innokenty, the First Bishop of Irkutsk, in Private Collections

Chernyshova, N.K.
Keywords: saint Innokenty, Irkutsk, hand-written and printed traditions.
Pages: 36-39

Abstract >>
In the article the author presents her interpretation of development of hand-written and printed traditions connected with reverence of the first Irkutsk sacred prelate Innokenty. Their correlation and interaction during XIX 

Notes to the Problem of Interactions Between Intonational Cultures of Siberian People

Zhimulyova, E.I.
Keywords: interethnic contacts, Russian musical tradition, Siberia’s intonation cultures.
Pages: 44-47

Abstract >>
The paper concerns the interethnic and intercultural contacts. The influence of Russian musical traditional culture on folklore of indigenous peoples of Siberia is considered. It describes the functioning and transformations of Orthodox Church chanting and Russian national song genres (spiritual verses, lyrical and play songs, chastooshkas) within intonational cultures of Khakassia, Shoria and other native Siberian ethnoses. The research is executed on materials fixed on the boundary of the XX

Sources and Methods of Studying the Dynamics of Russian Old-residents

Leonova, N.V.
Keywords: Russian old-timers of Siberia, comparative study of musical-folklore traditions, source study, textology.
Pages: 48-51

Abstract >>
In the article several research questions of Siberian local folklore tradtion are considered, in particular the structure of components of the musical-ethnographic tradition, formation of the source base for comparative study of song folklore, textological preparation of early sources etc. In relation to the Siberian folklore material these problems are posed by the author for the first time.

Musical Materials in Addition to the Volume of the Ket folklore

Soldatova, G.E.
Keywords: ethnic musicology, Ket folklore, audio materials.
Pages: 52-54

Abstract >>
The paper characterizes the materials prepared for ethnic-musicological part of the volume

Style Variations in Altay Heroic Legends Published by V.V. Radlov

Konunov, A.A.
Keywords: Altay heroic epos, heroic legends, poetics, style reception, style variation, parallelism, two-multiple, triple, frequentative variations.
Pages: 55-59

Abstract >>
In the article attention is given to the earliest records of the Altay heroic epos published by V.V. Radlov. The variation

Image of a Bird-Demiurge in Khakass Myths About the Prime-Creation

Mindibekova, V.V.
Keywords: myth, prime-creation, bird-demiurge, ancient Khakass.
Pages: 60-62

Abstract >>
This paper considers the most ancient plots of Khakass myths about prime-creation from the historical-typological point of analysis. The objects of research are the images of birds-demiurges who stood at the beginning of the universe in representations of ancient Khakass. Separate mythological plots about two ducks who subsequently have divided the world are considered. Also the formation process of myths about prime-creation is traced. The author reveals in historical-typological aspect the features of the prime-creation

About the Approach in Proverbs

Bayzhanova, N.R.
Keywords: proverbs, proverbs’ poetic, functional levels.
Pages: 63-66

Abstract >>
The theme of the present paper is approaches and methods to study proverbs in modern linguistics and folklore studies. The broad specter of researchers

Buryat Ritual Food

Badmayev, A.A.
Keywords: Buryats, Buryat ritual food.
Pages: 70-73

Abstract >>
The author undertook an attempt to characterize Buryats

Ethnic Theme in the Western Siberia Modern Art and National Crafts

Pavlova, E.Yu.
Keywords: national crafts and the modern art of Siberia, archaization, synthesis of ethnic traditions, regional consciousness.
Pages: 74-77

Abstract >>
The article

Conception of the

Tsydenova, D.Ts.
Keywords: behavioral culture and a common law of ethnos, ethical «ideal» and system of moral and ethical values of a traditional society, Agin-Buryat Autonomous Okrug, Buryats.
Pages: 78-81

Abstract >>
The paper analyses norms of common law and behavioral culture characteristic for traditional society. The author reconstructs on these materials the complex of Agin

Unfulfilled Adventure. From History of

Lutsidarskaya, A.A.
Keywords: I. Irmes, prisoner of war, exile, Siberia, adaptation, inadequate ambitions, conquest of territories, petition to the Tsar, wreck of plans.
Pages: 82-86

Abstract >>
The paper is devoted to I. Irmes 

Eurasian Civilization Generality of Peoples: Values and Constants of Development

Popkov, Yu.V., Tyugashev, E.A., Tsoohuu Kh., Tsedev Kh.
Keywords: ethnos, civilization, Eurasia, interconnection, ethnic-social processes, values and constants of development.
Pages: 91-94

Abstract >>
In order to realize the system approach in description of Eurasian civilization generality of peoples the authors suggest to differentiate in its structure Internal Eurasia with a locus in the Sayan-Altay mountain region with adjoining plains and External Eurasia including peripheral civilizations of the continent. Internal Eurasia is considered as a kernel of Eurasian ecumene defining the dynamics of the Eurasian civilization as the whole and formation of a fundamental generality of its values and constants.

Morphological and Functional Qualifying Components of Antropotok in the Republic Sakha (Yakutia)

Abramova, M.A., Goncharova, G.S.
Keywords: antropotok, migration and demographic processes in Republic Sakha (Yakutia), students, ethnic and social optimism, adaptation.
Pages: 95-99

Abstract >>
In the article modern trends characteristic the morphological (migration and a demography) and qualifying components of antropotok (

Ethnic Boundaries in Interethnic Community (Based on Field Research Materials of Interethnic Relationship Between the Russians and the Khakasses in Khakass Republic)

Yerokhina, E.A.
Keywords: Khakass Republic, ethnic boundaries, interethnic community, regional identity, patriotism, homeland, civic consensus.
Pages: 100-103

Abstract >>
The article is devoted to the role of ethnic boundaries in the regional community of Khakass Republic. Author emphasizes following parameters of membership in regional community: love for homeland, historical experience of interethnic cooperation and symbolic resources of the Russians and the Khakasses in institutionalization of regional citizenship. The author makes conclusion about dual role of ethnic boundaries in regional community of Khakass Republic: on the one hand, they maintain interethnic balance between the Russians and the Khakass; on the other hand, they mark boundaries between the indigenous and newly arrived population.

Native Population and Migrants in Yugra: Social Problems and Interethnic Relations

Markhinin, V.V., Udalova, I.V.
Keywords: Yugra, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, social problems and interethnic relations, migrants, national policy.
Pages: 104-108

Abstract >>
The interethnic relations between native population and migrants, who came to the okrug at various time periods, have been studied on the basis of the results of sociological research, carried out by the authors in five towns of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug (Yugra). The authors revealed social-cultural, economic and political problems which cause interethnic tension in the opinion of native population and migrants. Estimations both positive and negative of the migrants

Character of Adaptations in the Life-Maintenance Culture of Russian Peasants in Western Siberia

Shelegina, O.N.
Keywords: Western Siberia, Russian peasantry, adaptable processes, life-maintenance culture, traditional, innovative, hyper-innovative adaptations.
Pages: 109-112

Abstract >>
The article determines the role, value and character of adaptations in culture of life-maintenance of Russian peasants in a context of social-economic and ethnic-cultural development of Western-Siberian region. The basic stages of peasantry adaptation in Siberia; traditional, innovative, hyper-innovative adaptations in culture of its life-maintenance are allocated. For the first time in a domestic historiography the character of Western-Siberian peasantry