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Humanitarian sciences in Siberia

2003 year, number

Probability Paradoxes of Aggregation. Reflective and Intentional States of Mind. Their Specific Character and Relationship.

Reznikov V.M.
The institute of philosophy and law SB RAS, Novosibirsk
Pages: 7-11

Abstract >>
Paradoxes of aggregation naturally arise both in the analysis of causal dependences by means of probability formalizations and during the solution of real practical tasks with the help of statistical methods. It is argued that all known approaches to the analysis of paradoxes are reduced to a (more or less strict) formulation of certain conditions which make the paradox impossible. From the pragmatic point of view, a more important task is the methodology of decision-making when the paradox obtains. The methodology of decision-making is based on the concept of paradox force introduced by the author. The methodology of effective decision-making is justified for situations with a robust reverse connection of homogeneity of data and the degree of realization of the paradox.

Reflective and Intentional States of Mind. Their Specific Character and Relationship.

Vinnik D.V.
The institute of philosophy and law SB RAS, Novosibirsk
Pages: 11-15

Abstract >>
The article examines the correlation between reflective and intentional types of mental states with the conclusion that every reflective state of mind is intentional. The reverse statement is false. Owing to intentionality being a special property, consciousness in reflection can be split up into the given explicitly and the given as the background. The phenomenon of intentionality as such may be classified by the reflective criterion. The phenomenon of intentionality appears in all its power in deep reflection. It appears not only as the simple effect of switching the attention from one fragment of reality to another but as a never-ending primary act of consciousness addressing the world. Only due to the existence of the phenomenon of intentionality, the so-called splitting of mind in reflection turns out to be temporary and illusory.

Scientific Ontology: the Vertical World.

Storozhuk A.Y.
The institute of philosophy and law SB RAS
Pages: 15-19

Abstract >>
The ontology of levels arranges objects created in the course of cosmic evolution by the degree of their complexity. This approach makes it possible to integrate the ontologies of scientific theories into a unified picture of the universe. The mechanism of transition from lower to higher levels, described from the point of view of thermodynamics of non-equilibrium processes, allows to explain the emergence of new entities.

The Crisis of Democracy in Ancient Greece and the Philosophy of the Sophists: Prodikos and Kritias.

Goran V.P.
The institute of philosophy and law SB RAS, Novosibirsk
Pages: 20-23

Abstract >>
The atheistic account of the popular belief in the gods in the doctrines of Prodikos and Kritias is viewed as a manifestation of crisis of polis values.

Aristotle as the Predecessor of Plotinus in the Doctrine of the First Principle.

Berestov I.V.
The institute of philosophy and law SB RAS, Novosibirsk
Pages: 27-31

Abstract >>
The article analyses the possibility of direct influence of the doctrine of freedom of human acts and Aristotelian doctrine of the Nous on Plotinus

Reconstruction Of Ontological Views In Iranian Pre-Islamic Religious Tradition.

Wolf M.N.
The institute of philosophy and law SB RAS, Novosibirsk
Pages: 35-40

Abstract >>
Being in the Iranian tradition consists of two parts, it includes the physical plane and the spiritual plane, with the physical plane including non-being in its own structure. The place of man in this scheme is precisely fixed. The structure of being is revealed, with the possibility of revealing the forms of being-space, emptiness, movement, immovability, time, matter.
The deepest and most comprehensive ontological views in the Iranian written tradition come to light in relatively late texts (XII-XIV centuries AD). The ontological problems are present in the texts of a polemic and missionary character whose primary function was the resolution of disputes and conflicts, both with adherents of other religious doctrines and the doctrines within the Iranian tradition.

On the Limits of Moral Obligation.

Shevchenko A.A.
The institute of philosophy and law SB RAS, Novosibirsk
Pages: 53-56

Abstract >>
The focus of the paper is the scope of moral obligation. The author questions the legitimacy of the traditional distinction between the duties of justice and duties of charity and considers various ways of weakening the burden of a morally concerned individual. He suggests that  the limits of moral obligation are closely related to the justice of social institutions. The two subjects of justice-a moral individual and a social institution-are closely interrelated and the search for an optimal balance between personal interest and the requirements of impartiality is a common theme both for political and moral philosophy.

Will NGU Students Become Researchers?

Eremin S.N., Ablazhey A.M.
The institute of philosophy and law SB RAS, Novosibirsk
Pages: 65-69

Abstract >>
Among the key factors determining the future development of science and education and their integration are preferences and orientations of college graduates. The focus of the current research is the state of higher education in the Novosibirsk research center and the values of the student community. These values are a mechanism of reproduction of the professional research community. The paper examines the attitude of students towards science which generally coincides with the views prevalent in mass consciousness. It also analyses the external conditions and personality traits required for a successful research career, emigration intentions of the graduates, and ways of attracting young people to science. The analysis of the near-term plans of the respondents shows that it is unrealistic to expect an influx of young people into science.

The Crisis of Civil Legal Proceedings: Stages of Development and a Precondition of Overcoming.

Tsihotsky A.V.
The institute of philosophy and law SB RAS, Novosibirsk
Pages: 92-96

Abstract >>
Modern civil legal proceedings have reached the limits of their development. They are characterized by a crisis which shows itself in the inability of the judicial system to execute the social function declared by the Constitution of the Russian Federation. This circumstance dictates the necessity of the transformation of legal proceedings into a new organizational and legal form.

The Nature of a Legitimate Interest.

Klyaus N.V.
The institute of philosophy and law SB RAS, Novosibirsk
Pages: 97-99

Abstract >>
The subjective right and legitimate interest are fundamental and interacting categories of the same logical order. They are characterized by their distinctive content. In the process of realization of the subjective right both the permitted behavior of a legally authorized person and the proper behavior of an obligated person are important, whereas a legitimate interest can be realized without the corresponding legal obligations of other persons.

Juridical Contents of a Commercial Concession Contract.

Krasavchikova L.O.
Ural state Academy of law, Ekaterinburg
Pages: 99-104

Abstract >>
The home legislation allows