Physical Mesomechanics
ISSN: 1029-9599
Editor-in-chief: V. E. Panin
This Journal is a unique international edition to publish the results of theoretical and experimental investigations and reviews in physical mesomechanics, as well as solid state physics, materials science, geodynamics, non-destructive testing methods and other fields in which mesomechanics can be efficiently used. The Journal accepts papers on structural, physical, mechanical properties of materials, computer methods of physical mesomechanics of heterogeneuos media, non-destructive testing methods, as well as the mesomechanics of destruction, physical mesomechanics of destruction, physical mesomechanics of materials and its applications to tectonics, mesomechanics of functional materials and the materials for use in electronics.
Editorial address:
Pr. Akademicheskiy 2/1, 634021 Tomsk, Russia.
Institut fiziki prochnosti i materialovedeniya SO RAN.
Editorial office of journal "Fizicheskaya mezomekhanika"
Tel: (3822) 25-90-92
Fax: (3822) 25-95-76
Official web site: