Earth’s Cryosphere
ISSN: 2541-9994
About Journal
Earth’s Cryosphere is a leading journal of cryology, popular in Russia and worldwide. It publishes original results on versatile issues related to permafrost, glaciology, climate, environment, etc., and has renowned permafrost experts in its team of editors. The journal was founded in January 1997 and has published more than 700 high-quality papers since then. Their almost 500 authors are experienced researchers with different academic degrees, as well as students, from the Russian Academy of Sciences, R&D companies, universities, and other institutions.
Chief Editor
M.N. Zheleznyak, Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Sciences
Associate chief editor:
V.M. Kotlyakov, Full Member of Russian Academy of Sciences
D.S. Drozdov, Doctor of Sciences
Executive secretary
V.E. Tumskoy
Scientific consultant:
V.P. Melnikov, Full Member of Russian Academy of Sciences
Editorial board:
V.R. Alekseev, professor
A.V. Brouchkov, Doctor of Sciences
A.Yu. Bychkov, professor of RAS
A.A. Vasiliev, Doctor of Sciences
S.R. Verkulich, Doctor of Sciences
A.S. Viktorov, Doctor of Sciences
M.L. Vladov, professor
A.F. Glazovsky, Dr.
J.B. Gorelik, Doctor of Sciences
M.N. Grigoriev, Doctor of Sciences
A.D. Duchkov, professor
V.A. Istomin, professor
M.Z. Kanevskiy, professor (USA)
N.S. Kasimov, Full Member of RAS
A.I. Kizyakov, Dr.
I.A. Komarov, professor
I.N. Modin, professor
A.N. Nesterov, Doctor of Sciences
S.A. Ogorodov, professor of RAS
V.V. Olenchenko, Dr.
D.A. Petrakov, Dr.
F.M. Rivkin, Doctor of Sciences
E.M. Rivkina, Dr.
V.V. Rogov, professor
V.E. Romanovsky, professor (USA)
M.R. Sadurtdinov, Dr.
E.A. Slagoda, Doctor of Sciences
A.V. Soromotin, Doctor of Sciences
V.T. Trofimov, professor
A.N. Fedorov, Doctor of Sciences
L.N. Khrustalev, professor
H. Hubberten, professor (Germany)
V.G. Cheverev, Doctor of Sciences
G.A. Cherkashev, professor
Ze Zhang (China)
E.M. Chuvilin, Dr.
V.V. Shepelev, professor
N.I. Shiklomanov, professor (USA)
Yu.L. Shur, professor (USA)
Journal promoted by:
Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch
Tyumen Scientific Centre SB RAS
Melnikov Permafrost Institute SB RAS